Terraforming Mars Cost-Benefit Analysis

Terraforming Mars is a competitive board game developed by Jacob Fryxelius and published by FryxGames in 2016. Players take on the role of corporations tasked with making Mars habitable through the raising of the oxygen level, temperature, and ocean coverage, as well as sundry other projects to progress humanity.

Currently sitting at #4 on BoardGameGeek's ranked board game list, Terraforming Mars has found broad popularity among strategy board gamers in large part due to its variety and complexity. With 208 unique cards and 12 distinct corporations, players are put into an endless assortment of scenarios. This level of depth means that players must often intuit their next move rather than deduce it from a strict observation of values and probabilities.

In a bid to add more deduction back into the equation, this analysis aims to take every card in Terraforming Mars and boil it down to a single value in credits for a given generation and player count in order to demonstrate a simple value-comparison.

▶ Glossary
  • Corporation: Each of the 12 cards that players choose from at the beginning of the game. Confers starting resources and a special ability
  • Credits: MegaCredits, the game's central resource
  • Generation: often abbreviated to "gen", a single round of play comprised of several turns
  • Project: Each of the game's 208 unique cards
  • Research: The first phase of each generation, where the players draw projects and then decide how many of them to put into their hand by paying 3 credits for each
  • Resource: A cube placed on a project to represent, most commonly, a microbe or animal
  • Standard Project: One of several actions that are always available and have a cost in credits, but don't require playing a project.
  • Tag: A symbol that represents the type of industry used to complete a project. Most projects have at least one tag and many have two or three
  • Terraforming Rating: abbreviated to "TR", a measure of a player's success in terraforming. Each point of TR is worth 1 vp as well as an additional credit each generation.
  • Turn: A player taking one or two actions
  • Victory Points: abbreviated to "vp", the player with the most of these at the end of the game wins

External Data Processing


The base_cards database contains information about each card (referred to in-game as projects) and follows a couple of conventions:

  • When a resource is written in uppercase it refers to that resource's production, whereas when written in lowercase it refers to the resource itself.
  • All resource nouns are written in the singular in order to simplify referencing.
base_cards information
Each project contains the following columns:
  • Title: The name of the project
  • Game: Terraforming Mars contains two versions of the game, a simple, learning version called "base" and the full version called "corporate" which merely adds more projects and corporations to the game. The full version is used for the purposes of this analysis and so both "base" and "corporate" cards are present
  • Type: There are three project types: automated, active, and event
    • Automated cards are triggered once when played, but the "tags" they show can further influence gameplay
    • Events are similar except they are turned face down after played so their tags don't contribute to future gameplay
    • Active cards are those that contain either persistent passive benefits or an active ability that may be used up to once per generation
  • Primary Cost: The cost, in MegaCredits, to play the project
  • Additional Cost: Any additional resources that may need to be spent when playing the project
  • Tags: Symbols most cards contain that convey the type of industry involved in completing the project. The effects of some cards are multiplied by the number of a type of tag on the cards a player has previously played
  • Prerequisites: Some projects require not only payment but that a certain condition be met, such as any of the three terraforming measures (oceans, oxygen, and temperature) having a minimum or maximum value, or that the player has previously played projects with a minimum total number of a type of tag
  • Victory Points: Can be a strict value, or a fraction based on the number of a player's resource cubes on the project, tags in their tableau, or some other metric
  • Immediate Benefit: The benefit gained at the time of playing a project. Some cards have no immediate benefit
  • Passive Benefit: changes the game state for the player who played the project, allowing them to play other projects more cheaply, gain resources whenever a certain action is taken, and other effects
  • Active Cost: The cost, if any, required to gain the active benefit
  • Active Benefit: May be gained up to once per turn, either for free or by paying the active cost
  • Removed from Opponent: Some projects demand that an opponent lose some amount of resources

The all_games database is a collection of stats from over 12,000 individually logged games downloaded from Simeon Simeonov's excellent Terraforming Mars website. The base_games database contains only the matches from all_games which were played with the Corporate version of the game.

Finally, five two-player games were conducted with the base set and in each of these games, every action is documented as well as the corporations chosen, the numbers of cards purchased, the final scores, as well as a few other criteria. These games combine to form a dataset smaller but of much finer detail than base_games. These games are read into DataFrames and then added into a list called in_depth_games.

in_depth_games information
Each game contains the following columns:
  • Generation: the game's current generation
  • Player: the player whose turn it is
  • Action: the action taken by the player
  • Spent: the number of steel and/or titanium spent as part of the action
  • Terraforming: the number of steps completed in any of the three terraforming requirements (oceans, oxygen, and temperature) as a result of the action
  • Cities: notes if a city was placed as a result of the action
card database
Title Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Index
Acquired Company corporate automated 10 earth 3 CREDIT 1
Adaptation Technology base active 12 science 1 global requirements +/- 2 2
Adapted Lichen base automated 9 plant 1 PLANT 3
Advanced Alloys corporate active 9 science steel and titanium are each worth 1 credit extra 4
Advanced Ecosystems base automated 11 plant, microbe, animal 1 plant tag, 1 microbe tag, and 1 animal tag 3 5
Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid base event 26 space, event 2 microbe on other card, 3 HEAT, 1 PLANT 6
AI Central corporate active 21 1 ENERGY science, building 3 science tag 1 2 draw 7
Algae base automated 10 plant 5 ocean 1 plant, 2 PLANT 8
Anti-Gravity Technology corporate active 14 science 7 science tag 3 cards cost 2 credit fewer 9
Ants base active 9 microbe 4% oxygen 1 per 2 microbe on card remove 1 microbe from any card 1 microbe on card 1 microbe per turn (active) 10
Aquifer Pumping base active 18 building 8 credit (steel may be spent) 1 ocean 11
Archaebacteria base automated 6 microbe max -18°C 1 PLANT 12
Arctic Algae base active 12 plant max -12°C 1 plant when an ocean is placed, 2 plant 13
Artificial Lake base automated 15 building -6°C 1 1 ocean on land site 14
Artificial Photosynthesis base automated 12 science 1 PLANT or 2 ENERGY 15
Asteroid base event 14 space, event 1 temp, 2 titanium 3 plant 16
Asteroid Mining base automated 30 jovian, space 2 2 TITANIUM 17
Asteroid Mining Consortium corporate automated 13 jovian 1 TITANIUM 1 1 TITANIUM 1 TITANIUM 18
Beam from a Thorium Asteroid base automated 32 jovian, space, power 1 jovian tag 1 3 HEAT, 3 ENERGY 19
Big Asteroid base event 27 space, event 2 temp, 4 titanium 4 plant 20
Biomass Combustors base automated 4 power, building 6% oxygen -1 2 ENERGY 1 PLANT 21
Birds base active 10 animal 13% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 1 animal on card 2 PLANT 22
Black Polar Dust base automated 15 2 CREDIT 3 HEAT, 1 ocean 23
Breathing Filters base automated 11 science 7% oxygen 2 24
Bribed Committee corporate event 7 earth, event -2 2 TR 25
Building Industries corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building 2 STEEL 26
Bushes base automated 10 plant -10°C 2 PLANT, 2 plant 27
Business Contacts corporate event 7 earth, event 4 draw, then discard 2 of them 28
Business Network corporate active 4 1 CREDIT earth 1 draw, then buy or discard 29
Callisto Penal Mines corporate automated 24 jovian, space 2 3 CREDIT 30
Capital base automated 26 2 ENERGY city, building 4 ocean 1 per 1 adjacent ocean 5 CREDIT, 1 city 31
Carbonate Processing base automated 6 1 ENERGY building 3 HEAT 32
Caretaker Contract corporate active 3 0°C 8 heat 1 TR 33
Cartel corporate automated 8 earth 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag 34
CEO’s Favorite Project corporate event 1 event Add 1 resource to a card with at least 1 resource on it 35
Cloud Seeding base automated 11 1 CREDIT 3 ocean 2 PLANT 1 HEAT 36
Colonizer Training Camp base automated 8 jovian, building max 5% oxygen 2 37
Comet base event 21 space, event 1 temp, 1 ocean 3 plant 38
Commercial District corporate automated 16 1 ENERGY building 1 per 1 adjacent city 4 CREDIT, special tile 39
Convoy From Europa base event 15 space, event 1 ocean, 1 draw 40
Corporate Stronghold corporate automated 11 1 ENERGY city, building -2 3 CREDIT, 1 city 41
Cupola City base automated 16 1 ENERGY city, building max 9% oxygen 3 CREDIT, 1 city 42
Decomposers base active 5 microbe 3% oxygen 1 per 3 microbe on card when playing an animal, plant, or microbe tag, 1 microbe to card 43
Deep Well Heating base automated 13 power, building 1 ENERGY, 1 temp 44
Deimos Down base event 31 space, event 3 temp, 4 steel 8 plant 45
Designed Microorganisms base automated 16 science, microbe max -14°C 2 PLANT 46
Development Center corporate active 11 science, building 1 energy 1 draw 47
Domed Crater base automated 24 1 ENERGY city, building max 7% oxygen 1 3 plant, 3 CREDIT, 1 city 48
Dust Seals base automated 2 max 3 ocean 1 49
Earth Catapult corporate active 23 earth 2 cards cost 2 credit fewer 50
Earth Office corporate active 1 earth cards with an earth tag cost 3 credit fewer 51
Ecological Zone base active 12 animal, plant player’s 1 greenery tile 1 per 2 animal on card special tile adjacent to any greenery when playing an animal or plant tag, 1 animal to card 52
Electro Catapult corporate active 17 1 ENERGY building max 8% oxygen 1 1 plant or 1 steel 7 credit 53
Energy Saving base automated 15 power 1 ENERGY per 1 city 54
Energy Tapping corporate automated 3 power -1 1 ENERGY 1 ENERGY 55
Eos Chasma National Park base automated 16 plant, building -12°C 1 1 animal on other card, 3 plant, 2 CREDIT 56
Equatorial Magnetizer base active 11 building 1 ENERGY 1 TR 57
Extreme Cold Fungus base active 13 microbe max -10°C 1 plant or 2 microbe on other card 58
Farming base automated 16 plant +4°C 2 2 CREDIT, 2 PLANT, 2 plant 59
Fish base active 9 animal +2°C 1 per 1 animal on card 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 60
Flooding base event 7 event -1 1 ocean 4 credit from owner of a tile adjacent to placed ocean 61
Food Factory base automated 12 1 PLANT building 1 4 CREDIT 62
Fuel Factory corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building 1 TITANIUM, 1 CREDIT 63
Fueled Generators base automated 1 1 CREDIT power, building 1 ENERGY 64
Fusion Power base automated 14 science, power, building 2 power tag 3 ENERGY 65
Ganymede Colony base automated 20 jovian, space, city 1 per 1 player jovian tag 1 city on reserved site 66
Gene Repair corporate automated 12 science 3 science tag 2 2 CREDIT 67
Geothermal Power base automated 11 power, building 2 ENERGY 68
GHG Factories base automated 11 1 ENERGY building 4 HEAT 69
GHG Producing Bacteria base active 8 science, microbe 4% oxygen none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 temp 70
Giant Ice Asteroid base event 36 space, event 2 temp, 2 ocean 6 plant 71
Giant Space Mirror base automated 17 power, space 3 ENERGY 72
Grass base automated 11 plant -16°C 1 PLANT, 3 plant 73
Great Dam base automated 12 power, building 4 ocean 1 2 ENERGY 74
Great Escarpment Consortium corporate automated 6 1 STEEL 1 STEEL 1 STEEL 75
Greenhouses base automated 6 plant, building 1 plant per 1 city 76
Hackers corporate automated 3 1 ENERGY -1 2 CREDIT 2 CREDIT 77
Heat Trappers base automated 6 power, building -1 1 ENERGY 2 HEAT 78
Heather base automated 6 plant -14°C 1 PLANT, 1 plant 79
Herbivores base active 12 animal 8% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when placing a greenery tile, 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 80
Hired Raiders corporate event 1 event 2 steel or 3 credit 2 steel or 3 credit 81
Ice Asteroid base event 23 space, event 2 ocean 82
Ice Cap Melting base event 5 event +2°C 1 ocean 83
Immigrant City base active 13 1 ENERGY, 2 CREDIT city, building 1 city when a city is built, 1 CREDIT 84
Immigration Shuttles base automated 31 earth, space 1 per 3 city on board 5 CREDIT 85
Import of Advanced GHG base event 9 earth, space, event 2 HEAT 86
Imported GHG base event 7 earth, space, event 1 HEAT, 3 heat 87
Imported Hydrogen base event 16 earth, space, event 3 plant or 3 microbe on other card or 2 animal on other card, 1 ocean 88
Imported Nitrogen base event 23 earth, space, event 1 TR, 4 plant, 3 microbe on other card, 2 animal on other card 89
Indentured Workers corporate event 0 event -1 the next card played by player costs 8 credit fewer 90
Industrial Center corporate active 4 building special tile adjacent to any city 7 credit 1 STEEL 91
Industrial Microbes base automated 12 microbe, building 1 ENERGY, 1 STEEL 92
Insects base automated 9 microbe 6% oxygen 1 PLANT per 1 player plant tag 93
Insulation base automated 2 x HEAT x CREDIT 94
Interstellar Colony Ship corporate event 24 earth, space, event 5 science tag 4 95
Invention Contest corporate event 2 science, event 3 draw, then discard 2 of them 96
Inventor’s Guild corporate active 9 science 1 draw, then buy or discard 97
Investment Loan corporate event 3 1 CREDIT earth, event 10 credit 98
Io Mining Industries corporate automated 41 jovian, space 1 per 1 player jovian tag 2 TITANIUM, 2 CREDIT 99
Ironworks base active 11 building 4 energy 1 steel, 1 oxygen 100
Kelp Farming base automated 17 plant 6 ocean 1 2 CREDIT, 3 PLANT, 2 plant 101
LaGrange Observatory corporate automated 9 science, space 1 1 draw 102
Lake Marineris base automated 18 0°C 2 2 ocean 103
Land Claim corporate event 1 event mark a site where only you can build 104
Large Convoy base event 36 earth, space, event 2 1 ocean, 2 draw, 5 plant or 4 animal on other card 105
Lava Flows base event 18 event 2 temp, special tile on volcano site 106
Lichen base automated 7 plant -24°C 1 PLANT 107
Lightning Harvest base automated 8 power 3 science tag 1 1 ENERGY, 1 CREDIT 108
Livestock base active 13 1 PLANT animal 9% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 2 CREDIT 1 animal on card 109
Local Heat Trapping base event 1 5 heat event 4 plant or 2 animal on other card 110
Lunar Beam base automated 13 2 CREDIT earth, power 2 HEAT, 2 ENERGY 111
Magnetic Field Dome base automated 5 2 ENERGY building 1 PLANT, 1 TR 112
Magnetic Field Generator base automated 20 4 ENERGY building 2 PLANT, 3 TR 113
Mangrove base automated 12 plant +4°C 1 1 greenery on ocean site 114
Mars University corporate active 8 science, building 1 when playing a science tag, may discard a card for 1 draw 115
Martian Rails base active 13 building 1 energy 1 credit per 1 city on mars 116
Mass Converter corporate active 8 science, power 5 science tag 6 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 117
Media Archives corporate automated 8 earth 1 credit per 1 event played by all players 118
Media Group corporate active 6 earth 3 credit after playing an event card 119
Medical Lab corporate automated 13 science, building 1 1 CREDIT per 2 player building tag 120
Methane from Titan base automated 28 jovian, space 2% oxygen 2 2 HEAT, 2 PLANT 121
Micro-Mills base automated 3 1 HEAT 122
Mine corporate automated 4 building 1 STEEL 123
Mineral Deposit corporate event 5 event 5 steel 124
Mining Area corporate automated 4 building special tile on site with steel/titanium bonus and adjacent to player tile, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) 125
Mining Expedition base event 12 event 1 oxygen, 2 steel 2 plant 126
Mining Rights base automated 9 building special tile on a site with steel/titanium bonus, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) 127
Miranda Resort corporate automated 12 jovian, space 1 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag 128
Mohole Area base automated 20 building 4 HEAT, special tile on ocean site 129
Moss base automated 4 1 plant plant 3 ocean 1 PLANT 130
Natural Preserve base automated 9 science, building max 4% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT, special tile next to no other tile 131
Nitrite Reducing Bacteria base active 11 microbe 3 microbe on card none/remove 3 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 TR 132
Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid base event 31 space, event 4 PLANT if 3 player plant tag or 1 PLANT, 2 TR, 1 temp 133
Nitrophilic Moss base automated 8 2 plant plant 3 ocean 2 PLANT 134
Noctis City base automated 18 1 ENERGY city, building 3 CREDIT, 1 city on the reserved site 135
Noctis Farming base automated 10 plant, building -20°C 1 1 CREDIT, 2 plant 136
Nuclear Power base automated 10 2 CREDIT power, building 3 ENERGY 137
Nuclear Zone base automated 10 earth -2 2 temp, special tile 138
Olympus Conference corporate active 10 science, earth, building 1 when playing a science tag, either add 1 resource to card or remove 1 resource to draw 1 139
Open City base automated 23 1 ENERGY city, building 12% oxygen 1 4 CREDIT, 2 plant, 1 city 140
Optimal Aerobraking base active 7 space 3 credit, 3 heat after paying for a space event 141
Ore Processor base active 13 building 4 energy 1 titanium, 1 oxygen 142
Permafrost Extraction base event 8 event -8°C 1 ocean 143
Peroxide Power base automated 7 1 CREDIT power, building 2 ENERGY 144
Pets base active 10 earth, animal 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when a city is built, 1 animal on card, animals cannot be removed from card 145
Phobos Space Haven base automated 25 space, city 3 1 TITANIUM, 1 city on reserved site 146
Physics Complex corporate active 12 science, building 2 per 1 resource on card 6 energy 1 resource on card 147
Plantation base automated 15 plant 2 science tag 1 greenery 148
Power Grid base automated 18 power 1 ENERGY per 1 player power tag 149
Power Infrastructure corporate active 4 power, building x energy x credit 150
Power Plant base automated 4 power, building 1 ENERGY 151
Power Supply Consortium corporate automated 5 power 2 power tag 1 ENERGY 1 ENERGY 152
Predators base active 14 animal 11% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card remove 1 animal from any card 1 animal on card 1 animal per turn (active) 153
Protected Habitat corporate active 5 opponents may not remove player plant, animal, or microbe 154
Protected Valley base automated 23 plant, building 2 CREDIT, 1 greenery on ocean site 155
Quantum Extractor corporate active 13 science, power 4 science tag 4 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 156
Rad-Chem Factory base automated 8 1 ENERGY building 2 TR 157
Rad-Suits corporate automated 6 any 2 city 1 1 CREDIT 158
Regolith Eaters base active 13 science, microbe none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 oxygen 159
Release of Inert Gases base event 14 event 2 TR 160
Research corporate automated 11 2 science 1 2 draw 161
Research Outpost base active 18 science, city, building 1 city next to no other tile cards cost 1 credit fewer 162
Restricted Area corporate active 11 science special tile 2 credit 1 draw 163
Robotic Workforce corporate automated 9 science copy the immediate benefit of player card with building tag 164
Rover Construction base active 8 building 1 when a city is built, 2 credit 165
Sabotage corporate event 1 event 3 titanium or 4 steel or 7 credit 166
Satellites corporate automated 10 space 1 CREDIT per 1 player space tag 167
Search for Life base active 3 science max 6% oxygen 3 if at least 1 resource on card 1 credit reveal 1, if it has microbe tag, 1 resource on card 168
Security Fleet corporate active 12 space 1 per 1 resource on card 1 titanium 1 resource on card 169
Shuttles base active 10 1 ENERGY space 5% oxygen 1 2 CREDIT cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 170
Small Animals base active 6 animal 6% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 171
Soil Factory base automated 9 1 ENERGY building 1 1 PLANT 172
Solar Power base automated 11 power, building 1 1 ENERGY 173
Solar Wind Power base automated 11 science, space, power 1 ENERGY, 2 titanium 174
Soletta base automated 35 space 7 HEAT 175
Space Elevator corporate active 27 space, building 2 1 TITANIUM 1 steel 5 credit 176
Space Mirrors base active 3 power, space 7 credit 1 ENERGY 177
Space Station corporate active 10 space 1 cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 178
Special Design base event 4 science, event global requirements +/- 2 for next card played 179
Sponsors corporate automated 6 earth 2 CREDIT 180
Standard Technology corporate active 6 science 3 credit after paying for a standard project 181
Steelworks base active 15 building 4 energy 2 steel, 1 oxygen 182
Strip Mine base automated 25 2 ENERGY building 2 STEEL, 1 TITANIUM, 2 oxygen 183
Subterranean Reservoir base event 11 event 1 ocean 184
Symbiotic Fungus base active 4 microbe -14°C 1 microbe on other card 185
Tardigrades corporate active 4 microbe 1 per 4 microbe on card 1 microbe on card 186
Technology Demonstration corporate event 5 science, space, event 2 draw 187
Tectonic Stress Power base automated 18 power, building 2 science tag 1 3 ENERGY 188
Terraforming Ganymede corporate automated 33 jovian, space 2 1 TR per 1 player jovian tag 189
Titanium Mine corporate automated 7 building 1 TITANIUM 190
Toll Station corporate automated 12 space 1 CREDIT per 1 opponent space tag 191
Towing a Comet base event 23 space, event 2 plant, 1 oxygen, 1 ocean 192
Trans-Neptune Probe corporate automated 6 science, space 1 193
Trees base automated 13 plant -4°C 1 3 PLANT, 1 plant 194
Tropical Resort corporate automated 13 2 HEAT building 2 3 CREDIT 195
Tundra Farming base automated 16 plant -6°C 2 1 PLANT, 2 CREDIT, 1 plant 196
Underground City base automated 18 2 ENERGY city, building 2 STEEL, 1 city 197
Underground Detonation base active 6 building 10 credit 2 HEAT 198
Urbanized Area base automated 10 1 ENERGY city, building 2 CREDIT, 1 city adjacent to at least 2 cities 199
Vesta Shipyard corporate automated 15 jovian, space 1 1 TITANIUM 200
Viral Enhancers corporate active 9 science, microbe when playing a plant, microbe, or animal tag, (1 plant, or 1 microbe or 1 animal on card) 201
Virus corporate event 1 microbe, event 2 animal or 5 plant 202
Water Import from Europa base active 25 jovian, space 1 per 1 player jovian tag 12 credit (titanium may be spent) 1 ocean 203
Water Splitting Plant base active 12 building 2 ocean 3 energy 1 oxygen 204
Wave Power base automated 8 power 3 ocean 1 1 ENERGY 205
Windmills base automated 6 power, building 7% oxygen 1 1 ENERGY 206
Worms base automated 8 microbe 4% oxygen 1 PLANT per 2 player microbe tag 207
Zeppelins base automated 13 5% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT per 1 city on mars 208
Generation Player Action Spent Terraforming Cities
0 1 chose UNMI
0 2 chose Tharsis Republic
0 1 bought 6
0 2 bought 6
1 1 used Tharsis Republic city
1 2 played Sabotage
1 2 played Bribed Committee
1 1 passed
1 2 used UNMI
1 2 passed
2 2 bought 2
2 1 bought 3
2 2 standard Asteroid 1 temperature
2 2 used UNMI
2 1 played Industrial Microbes
2 1 played Corporate Stronghold city
2 2 standard Power Plant
2 1 played Technology Demonstration
2 2 passed
2 1 passed
3 1 bought 2
3 2 bought 2
3 1 played Standard Technology
3 1 standard Acquifer 1 ocean
3 2 played Immigrant City city
3 1 played Rad-Suits
3 2 passed
3 1 passed
4 2 bought 3
4 1 bought 1
4 2 played Mine
4 2 played Giant Space Mirror
4 1 played Nuclear Power 2 steel
4 1 played Underground City city
4 2 passed
4 1 passed
5 1 bought 3
5 2 bought 2
5 1 played Great Escarpment Consortium
5 1 played Rad-Chem Factory 3 steel
5 2 played Power Supply Consortium
5 2 played Cupola City 3 steel city
5 1 bought Mayor
5 2 played Development Center 1 steel
5 2 used Development Center
5 1 passed
5 2 passed
6 2 bought 1
6 1 bought 2
6 2 played Industrial Center
6 2 played Domed Crater city
6 1 played Geothermal Power 4 steel
6 1 played Magnetic Field Dome
6 2 passed
6 1 bought Builder
6 1 played Food Factory
6 1 passed
7 1 bought 3
7 2 bought 2
7 1 played Mars University
7 1 played Artificial Photosynthesis
7 2 played Lunar Beam
7 2 played Solar Wind Power
7 1 passed
7 2 used Development Center
7 2 passed
8 2 bought 1
8 1 bought 3
8 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
8 2 used UNMI
8 1 played Adaptation Technology
8 1 played Power Plant
8 2 played Solar Power
8 2 used Development Center
8 1 played Wave Power
8 1 played Strip Mine 6 steel 2 oxygen
8 2 passed
8 1 passed
9 1 bought 3
9 2 bought 2
9 1 played Rover Construction 4 steel
9 1 played Titanium Mine 2 steel
9 2 played Io Mining Industries 2 titanium
9 2 played Physics Complex
9 1 played Nitrophilic Moss
9 1 played Protected Habitat
9 2 used Physics Complex
9 2 played CEO’s Favorite Project
9 1 passed
9 2 passed
10 2 bought 2
10 1 bought 2
10 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
10 2 used UNMI
10 1 played Mining Area 2 steel
10 1 played Olympus Conference 4 steel
10 2 standard Power Plant
10 2 played Natural Preserve
10 1 played Water Import from Europa 4 titanium
10 1 used Water Import from Europa 1 ocean
10 2 used Physics Complex
10 2 played Martian Rails
10 1 played LaGrange Observatory 2 titanium
10 1 played Moss
10 2 played Import of Advanced GHG 3 titanium
10 1 passed
10 2 passed
11 1 bought 3
11 2 bought 2
11 1 played Fusion Power 6 steel
11 1 played Electro Catapult
11 2 played Asteroid Mining Consortium
11 2 played Business Contacts
11 1 used Electro Catapult
11 1 used Water Import from Europa 3 titanium 1 ocean
11 2 used Physics Complex
11 2 used Martian Rails
11 1 played Robotic Workforce
11 2 played Dust Seals
11 1 passed
11 2 played Black Polar Dust 1 ocean
11 2 used UNMI
11 2 passed
12 2 bought 4
12 1 bought 3
12 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
12 2 used UNMI
12 1 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
12 1 used Water Import from Europa 3 titanium 1 ocean
12 2 played Phobos Space Haven 5 titanium city
12 2 used Physics Complex
12 1 standard City city
12 1 played Kelp Farming
12 2 played Urbanized Area city
12 2 used Martian Rails
12 1 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
12 1 used Electro Catapult
12 2 standard Power Plant
12 2 played Archaebacteria
12 1 played Energy Saving
12 1 played AI Central 8 steel
12 2 passed
12 1 used AI Central
12 1 played Sponsors
12 1 passed
13 1 bought 2
13 2 bought 1
13 1 played Earth Catapult
13 1 used Water Import from Europa 3 titanium 1 ocean
13 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
13 2 used Physics Complex
13 1 standard Greenery 1 oxygen
13 1 claimed Gardener
13 2 used Martian Rails
13 2 played Adapted Lichen
13 1 used Electro Catapult
13 1 played Research Outpost 8 steel city
13 2 used UNMI
13 2 used Industrial Center
13 1 played Algae
13 1 used AI Central
13 2 standard Power Plant
13 2 played Land Claim
13 1 played Quantum Extractor
13 1 played Zeppelins
13 2 played Research
13 2 played Inventor’s Guild
13 1 passed
13 2 used Inventor's Guild
13 2 played Peroxide Power
13 1 passed
14 2 bought 3
14 1 bought 3
14 2 played Anti-Gravity Technology
14 2 played Mineral Deposit
14 1 used Water Import from Europa 3 titanium 1 ocean
14 1 funded Banker
14 2 played Building Industries 3 steel
14 2 funded Thermalist
14 1 standard City city
14 2 played Ore Processor 5 steel
14 1 played Designed Microorganisms
14 1 used Martian Rails
14 2 used Ore Processor 1 oxygen
14 2 used Electro Catapult
14 1 played Acquired Company
14 1 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
14 2 played Mass Converter
14 2 played Space Station 1 titanium
14 1 used UNMI
14 1 used Physics Complex
14 2 played Space Elevator 4 steel
14 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
14 1 played Ganymede Colony 6 titanium city
14 1 used Development Center
14 2 played Media Group
14 2 played Release of Inert Gases
14 1 passed
14 2 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
14 2 used AI Central
14 2 played Gene Repair
14 2 played Business Network
14 2 used Business Network
14 2 passed
15 1 bought 4
15 2 bought 4
15 1 used Water Import from Europa 4 titanium 1 ocean
15 1 standard City
15 2 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen, 1 temperature
15 2 used UNMI
15 1 played Cloud Seeding
15 1 played Immigration Shuttles
15 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
15 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
15 1 played Cartel
15 1 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
15 2 used Physics Complex
15 2 used Development Center
15 1 used Ore Processor 1 oxygen
15 1 played Security Fleet
15 2 played Interstellar Colony Ship 6 titanium
15 2 played Windmills 2 steel
15 1 used Space Elevator
15 1 used Security Fleet
15 2 used Inventor's Guild
15 2 played Asteroid 1 temperature
15 1 used AI Central
15 1 used Electro Catapult
15 2 played Tundra Farming
15 2 played Power Infrastructure 1 steel
15 1 played Extreme Cold Fungus
15 1 used Business Network
15 2 used Martian Rails
15 2 used Power Infrastructure
15 1 played Power Grid
15 1 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
15 2 passed
15 1 played Trees
15 1 used Extreme Cold Fungus
15 1 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
15 1 passed
16 2 bought 3
16 1 bought 4
16 2 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
16 2 played Lava Flows 2 temperature
16 1 standard City city
16 1 played Miranda Resort 1 titanium
16 2 played Commercial District 2 steel
16 2 standard City city
16 1 played Ecological Zone
16 1 used Space Elevator
16 2 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
16 2 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
16 1 converted plants to greenery 1 oxygen
16 1 used Ore Processor
16 2 played Noctis City 1 steel city
16 2 used Physics Complex
16 1 used AI Central
16 1 played Methane from Titan 3 titanium
16 2 used Development Center
16 2 used Inventor's Guild
16 1 used Electro Catapult
16 1 used Security Fleet
16 2 used Martian Rails
16 2 used Power Infrastructure
16 1 played Mining Rights 3 steel
16 1 played Capital 11 steel city
16 2 used UNMI
16 2 played Small Animals
16 1 played Invention Contest
16 1 played Farming
16 2 played Eos Chasma National Park
16 2 used Small Animals
16 1 played Pets
16 1 played Insects
16 2 played Equatorial Magnetizer
16 2 used Equatorial Magnetizer
16 1 standard City city
16 1 converted plants to greenery
16 2 played Greenhouses
16 2 converted plants to greenery
16 1 funded Landlord
16 1 converted plants to greenery
16 2 converted plants to greenery
16 2 standard sell 1 patent
16 1 used Business Network
16 1 used Extreme Cold Fungus
16 2 standard Asteroid 1 temperature, 1 ocean
16 1 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
16 2 passed
16 1 passed
17 1 bought 2
17 2 bought 2
17 1 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
17 1 converted heat to temperature 1 temperature
17 2 played Restricted Area
17 2 used Restricted Area
17 1 used Security Fleet
17 1 used Ore Processor
17 2 used Inventor's Guild
17 2 used Development Center
17 1 used AI Central
17 1 played Callisto Penal Mines 4 titanium
17 2 played Tropical Resort 4 steel
17 2 played Insulation
17 1 played Vesta Shipyard
17 1 played Asteroid Mining
17 2 played Tectonic Stress Power
17 2 converted plants to greenery
17 1 played Terraforming Ganymede
17 1 played Magnetic Field Generator 8 steel
17 2 played Shuttles
17 2 used Physics Complex
17 1 converted plants to greenery
17 1 used Electro Catapult
17 2 standard sell 1 patent
17 2 standard Greenery
17 1 played Nitrite Reducing Bacteria
17 1 used Space Elevator
17 2 standard Greenery
17 1 played Lightning Harvest
17 1 played Heather
17 2 used Small Animals
17 2 used Equatorial Magnetizer
17 1 used Nitrite Reducing Bacteria
17 1 used Extreme Cold Fungus
17 2 used UNMI
17 1 converted plants to greenery
17 1 converted plants to greenery
17 2 passed
17 1 standard Greenery
17 1 standard Greenery
17 1 passed
Last 2 converted plants to greenery
Last 1 converted plants to greenery
Final 1 180
Final 2 136

Number of Generations per Game

Terraforming Mars lasts a variable number of generations. An average number of generations for each player count is derived from base_games. These will be used to determine the income which will be generated over the remainder of the game for a given project after the generation during which it is played.

▶ Methodology
  For each player count, the generation counts of all logged games in base_games are averaged and then rounded and finally converted to an integer for readability. The averages are then packed into a dictionary to be referenced in future functions.

variable definitions

Average length of game in generations:
2p: 13
3p: 11
4p: 10
5p: 10

Main Variables

Next, each resource in the game must be converted to a number of credits. The standard projects are set as listed on the game board, and steel and titanium as listed on the player boards.

Plants and heat are set by dividing 8 into the credit values for the temperature and greenery standard projects. 8 is the number of plants required to place a greenery tile, and the number of heat required to raise the temperature.

For energy, it was necessary to borrow some information from one of the expansions: Colonies. In order to trade with a colony, players must spend either 9 credits, 3 titanium, or 3 energy. This suggests that 1 energy = 1 titanium = 3 credits.

Drawing a project is valued at 4 credits, combining the price to buy a project (3 credits) with the 1 credit gained from discarding it using the "Sell patents" standard project. In addition, there is a 2 credit opportunity cost added on that represents the chance to obtain a worthwhile project.

Discarding a project is valued at a loss of 4 credits: the price to buy the project into hand plus the 1 credit that could be gained from selling it. Since the project has already been seen, there is no loss of opportunity.

▶ Methodology
First the standard projects and resources are defined. The production functions account for the number of remaining generations, referred to as "income". 1 income means one generation remaining after the current one in the average game.

There is an additional production phase after the final generation, but for the most part there are only two resources for which the final production matters: plants, which can then be converted into greeneries one final time and credits, which determine the winner in the event of a tie.

Then dictionaries are defined with references to these values for later use, including one for resources which is not yet populated.

variable definitions

Credit values:

temperature = 14
ocean = 18
greenery = 23
credit = 1
steel = 2
titanium = 3
plant = 2.875
heat = 1.75
energy = 3
draw = 6

Given an income of 1:
city = 23
PLANT = 5.75
HEAT = 1.75

Number of Cards Played

The valuation of certain projects, such as Anti-Gravity Technology and Space Station, depends on knowing the average number of cards played in a given generation. This is simply an average, per generation, taken from the five games in the in_depth_games list.

variable definitions

The average number of projects played by a player per generation: 
1: 2.0
2: 1.1
3: 2.0
4: 1.4
5: 2.1
6: 2.3
7: 2.5
8: 2.7
9: 3.1
10: 3.0
11: 2.9
12: 4.8
13: 4.6
14: 6.6
15: 6.25
16: 6.666666666666667
17: 6.25

Number of Cities Played

Some projects are concerned with the number of cities played in a given generation, such as Rover Construction and Martian Rails. This data is also averaged from in_depth_games.

variable definitions

The average number of cities on the board per generation: 
1: 0.8
2: 1.0
3: 1.2
4: 1.4
5: 1.8
6: 2.2
7: 2.6
8: 3.4
9: 4.0
10: 4.6
11: 5.2
12: 5.8
13: 7.0
14: 8.6
15: 9.75
16: 13.0
17: 13.0

Average Rate of Terraforming

A game of Terraforming Mars ends after three terraforming conditions are met:

  • The oxygen level has reached 14%
  • The temperature has reached 8°C
  • All nine ocean tiles have been placed

The rate at which these conditions are met varies widely from game to game, and so an average per-generation number must be assigned to each condition.

Since the length of the games in in_depth_games varies but the length used in value calculation (averaged from all_games) does not, the averages below have been conformed to the average game lengths in a future function.

variable definitions

Generation: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Oceans: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9
Oxygen: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14
Temperature: -30 -30 -28 -28 -28 -26 -24 -24 -22 -20 -14 -8 -6 -2 4 6 8

Tile Placement

Placing a tile on an area with resources allows the player to take those resources, adding to the value of the tile. This additional value is passed on to any project that provides the player with a tile to place. The exceptions are cities, greeneries, and oceans, where the assumption is that the potential for additional resource gain is factored into the cost of the standard projects.

TM map

▶ Methodology
To determine the average value added from these map resources, the total sum of credits gained from the resources of all areas on the map are divided by the total number of areas. This is done separately for ocean areas and non-ocean areas. The two off-world areas and the Noctis City area have been disregarded, since they cannot be placed upon except for unique circumstances.

variable definitions

Placing a land tile is worth 2.372 credits.
Placing an ocean tile is worth 4.135 credits.

Project Tags

Several projects provide benefits based on the number of projects with a specific tag that a player has previously played, and so it must be determined the chance that any given project contains any of the tag types.

▶ Methodology
For each tag type, the number of projects with that tag is divided by the total number of projects to determine the chance that a project drawn contains that tag.

Then, they are divided into chance_tag_played and chance_tag_showing. This is because some projects with one tag type might also have an event tag. Tags on event projects are considered when the project is played, but the card is subsequently flipped face-down and its tags are no longer counted. chance_tag_showing disregards any such cards.

Lastly, the two categories of tag types are placed into dictionaries for future referencing.

variable definitions

Chance to draw earth tag = 10.6%
Chance to draw science tag = 15.9%
Chance to draw plant tag = 10.1%
Chance to draw microbe tag = 7.7%
Chance to draw animal tag = 4.3%
Chance to draw space tag = 20.2%
Chance to draw event tag = 17.8%
Chance to draw building tag = 32.2%
Chance to draw jovian tag = 5.8%
Chance to draw power tag = 13.0%
Chance to draw city tag = 5.8%

Chance to draw non-event earth tag = 6.2%
Chance to draw non-event science tag = 14.4%
Chance to draw non-event plant tag = 10.1%
Chance to draw non-event microbe tag = 7.2%
Chance to draw non-event animal tag = 4.3%
Chance to draw non-event space tag = 12.0%
Chance to draw non-event event tag = 17.8%
Chance to draw non-event building tag = 32.2%
Chance to draw non-event jovian tag = 5.8%
Chance to draw non-event power tag = 13.0%
Chance to draw non-event city tag = 5.8%

Special Case Projects

The primary function will suffice to calculate value for 156 of the 208 cards in the base set. The other 52 are dealt with separately for one of two reasons:

  • The card has an effect that is distinctive enough as to require special attention.
  • The card has a small quirk that only requires a line or two of extra code, but the effect is rare enough that the code is left out of the main function for the sake of concision.

After defining the special case cards, the base_cards database is split into basic_cases and special_cases.

variable definitions

Remaining Generations

The given current generation and player count is used to determine the number of remaining generations based on the average number of generations per game, which also determines the current income.

function definitions

In the first generation of a 2 player game:

Income = 12
Last Generation = 13

Credits per Victory Point

Victory points (vp) must also be converted to credits. To do this, the three terraforming standard projects are used. These confer a terraforming rating point (TR) though, and not a victory point. A TR is the same as a vp except that it also provides an income of one credit. Because it is based on a constant cost, the value of a TR will remain constant over the course of the game, while the extra income from the TR must be subtracted from the cost of the project when valuing VP. Because income declines as the game progresses, the value of a VP rises over time.

In addition to income, the average bonus credits accrued through tile placement are also factored into the Aquifer and Greenery standard projects when calculating for VP value.

▶ Methodology
To come to a single value for a given generation and player count, the "points per credit" are determined for each of the three standard terraforming projects and then the average is taken. Note that greeneries are worth two points (one for the TR from raising the oxygen, another from the greenery tile itself) and so are calculated accordingly.

function definitions

In a 2 player game:
Gen 1 = 3.15 credits per VP
Gen 2 = 4.49 credits per VP
Gen 3 = 5.74 credits per VP
Gen 4 = 6.93 credits per VP
Gen 5 = 8.07 credits per VP
Gen 6 = 9.19 credits per VP
Gen 7 = 10.29 credits per VP
Gen 8 = 11.37 credits per VP
Gen 9 = 12.44 credits per VP
Gen 10 = 13.49 credits per VP
Gen 11 = 14.55 credits per VP
Gen 12 = 15.59 credits per VP
Gen 13 = 16.63 credits per VP

Variable Initialization

The two above functions are used to initialize future functions based on the current generation and player count.

function definitions

In the first generation of a 2 player game:

Income = 12
Victory Points = 3.15
Terraform Rating = 15.15
Last Generation = 13

Number of Projects Seen

At the beginning of the game, each player draws 10 projects, deciding which to purchase into their hand. On the second and every subsequent generation, each player draws 4 projects for potential purchase. The following function determines the number of unique projects a player has had the opportunity to play based on the current generation.

It is used primarily in determining the likely number of a certain tag that player may have showing in a given generation.

function definitions

In [16]:
In the third generation, the player has seen 18 projects during research phases.


Microbes are a resource that get added onto projects, accumulating either to be converted into points at the end of the game or to be spent on terraforming. The relevant effects of all cards that hold microbes have been averaged to determine the value of a microbe in a given generation/player count.

▶ Methodology
The following cards are taken into account when calculating the value of a microbe:

After determining the value, vars_dict_resource is updated to contain microbe_val.

function definitions

In a 2 player game:
Gen 1 = 3.54 credits per microbe
Gen 2 = 3.8 credits per microbe
Gen 3 = 4.04 credits per microbe
Gen 4 = 4.26 credits per microbe
Gen 5 = 4.48 credits per microbe
Gen 6 = 4.68 credits per microbe
Gen 7 = 4.89 credits per microbe
Gen 8 = 5.09 credits per microbe
Gen 9 = 5.28 credits per microbe
Gen 10 = 5.48 credits per microbe
Gen 11 = 5.67 credits per microbe
Gen 12 = 5.86 credits per microbe
Gen 13 = 6.05 credits per microbe


Animals are the same as microbes except that they are never spent, merely accumulated on cards and then converted to points at the end of the game.

▶ Methodology
The following cards are taken into account when calculating the value of an animal:

After determining the value, vars_dict_resource is updated to contain animal_val.

function definitions

In a 2 player game:
Gen 1 = 2.37 credits per animal
Gen 2 = 3.37 credits per animal
Gen 3 = 4.3 credits per animal
Gen 4 = 5.19 credits per animal
Gen 5 = 6.05 credits per animal
Gen 6 = 6.89 credits per animal
Gen 7 = 7.71 credits per animal
Gen 8 = 8.53 credits per animal
Gen 9 = 9.33 credits per animal
Gen 10 = 10.12 credits per animal
Gen 11 = 10.91 credits per animal
Gen 12 = 11.69 credits per animal
Gen 13 = 12.47 credits per animal

Variable Scanner

Takes a benefit phrase such as "4 STEEL" or "1 ocean" and converts it into a credit value.

▶ Methodology
A list is passed to vars_scan that contains each word or number in the benefit (eg. ['4', 'STEEL']). This simplifies the process of indexing the elements and converting them into values. The benefit phrase is scanned, and if any given word matches an entry in vars_dict_static, vars_dict_variable, or vars_dict_resource (defined here), the value associated with that variable is multiplied by the number preceeding it. The terms "TR", "oxygen", and "discard" are also handled.

function definitions

In the first generation of a 2 player game, 4 STEEL is worth 96 credits.

The "per" term

Some card effects provide benefits based on a combination of variables, such as "1 energy per city" or "1 CREDIT per space tag". The left coefficient is calculated using vars_scan, while the right is calculated herein.

▶ Methodology
First the passed list is rejoined into a string and then resplit into the two coefficients to either side of "per". The left coefficient is run through vars_scan, while the right coefficient is handled based on the terms "tag", "city", or "event".

In the event that the right coefficient is "tag" or "event", the likelihood of a drawn project having that tag is multiplied by the number of projects drawn thusfar (10 + 4 for every generation after the first). The result becomes the value of the right coefficient.

If the coefficient is "city", the list ave_cities_on_board is consulted to determine the average number of cities on the board for the given generation.

function definitions

In the third generation of a 2 player game, "1 CREDIT per 1 player space tag" is worth 23.8 credits.

The "or" term

Some projects provide a choice between two benefits or two active costs. In these cases, the more valuable benefit (or the less valuable cost) is chosen using or_scan().

▶ Methodology
The benefit is passed into ors as a string and subsequently split into the two benefits on either side of the "or" term. Then each benefit is evaluated and added to comparison_list, the greater or lesser of which is returned based on whether the "or" describes a benefit or a cost.

function definitions

Between a benefit of 1 plant (2.875 credits) and 1 energy (3 credits), 1 energy is chosen.

Terraforming State

Under the variable definitions, average terraforming rates were determined. Each of the three lists (oceans, oxygen, and temperature) have a number of entries equal to the length of the longest game recorded in in_depth_games. Each entry holds the average number of terraforming steps for that generation.

Because this data was culled from games of different lengths and the projects are to be evaluated based on a single length per player count (the averages from base_games), the previous terraforming lists must be condensed down to match the average lengths used in evaluation.

▶ Methodology
The longest game in in_depth_games lasted 17 generations. To condense the lists of average terraforming rates down from 17 to the numbers used for evaluation, the x values are transformed according to the following formula: (x - 1) * comp + 1, where comp holds the following number for each player count:
  • 2 players - .75
  • 3 players - .625
  • 4 players - .5625
  • 5 players - .5625

This condenses the curve down to the correct length in generations, but there are still 17 y values. To pare it down to the requisite number, for any x value with more than one y value, the y values are averaged.

function definitions

Terraforming progression in a 3 player game:
Generation: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
oceans 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 6 7 8 9
oxygen (%) 0 0 0 1 2 3 5 9 11 12 14
temperature (°C) -30 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -18 -6 -2 6 8

Null Check

A simple function to check for NaN in a given cell of a DataFrame so that when found, that cell may be ignored.

function definitions

Database Edit

During the valuation functions, a number of transformations must be made to the resulting DataFrame for the purpose of presentation.

▶ Methodology
First, the following new columns are added to the DataFrame: Value, Generation, and Players. The func kwarg is used in analyzing the grouped special cases.

Next the Value column is moved to the right of the project title. The index is shifted up 1 to account for zero-indexing. Finally, the numbers in the Value column are boldened.

function definitions

Basic Project Valuation

These are the main functions responsible for attaching a value to a project for a given generation and player count.

▶ Methodology
To begin with, a function is defined to compute the cost or benefit associated with each column in the database:
  • compute_additional_cost_value() handles any resources beyond the credit cost that must be paid when playing a project
  • compute_victory_points_value() handles the number of victory points a project is worth when it is a static value. Projects that award a variable number of points based on a game state are handled either under compute_immediate_benefit_value() or compute_active_benefit_value()
  • compute_immediate_benefit_value() handles the immediate benefit of playing a project.
  • compute_active_benefit_value() handles active benefits that can be gained once per generation. If the active benefit has an associated cost, that cost will be subtracted from the benefit. If the result is positive, it will be added to the project's value. This determination must be made separately for each remaining generation, since some costs or benefits are dependent on the number of remaining generations
  • compute_removal_value() handles the resources removed from an opponent. Though the player who played the project does not gain these resources, they are considered a swing in credits and so are counted towards a project's value

    Next a decorator is written to allow for the special cases code to be added in later. The special cases are the 52 projects that require additional code to be evaluated.

    The wrapped function first evaluates the project's primary cost, then runs all of the above functions and adds the returns to the total value of the project. After that is the placeholder function meant to run any special cases code that will be added later and add that return to the total value.

    Finally the value is applied to every row in the DataFrame and added as a new column. Additional columns are added stating the current generation and player count.


Basic case credit values in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Acquired Company 14 corporate automated 10 earth 3 CREDIT 6 2 1
Adapted Lichen 14 base automated 9 plant 1 PLANT 6 2 2
Advanced Ecosystems 17 base automated 11 plant, microbe, animal 1 plant tag, 1 microbe tag, and 1 animal tag 3 6 2 3
Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid 43 base event 26 space, event 2 microbe on other card, 3 HEAT, 1 PLANT 6 2 4
AI Central 63 corporate active 21 1 ENERGY science, building 3 science tag 1 2 draw 6 2 5
Algae 39 base automated 10 plant 5 ocean 1 plant, 2 PLANT 6 2 6
Archaebacteria 17 base automated 6 microbe max -18°C 1 PLANT 6 2 7
Artificial Lake 10 base automated 15 building -6°C 1 1 ocean on land site 6 2 8
Artificial Photosynthesis 30 base automated 12 science 1 PLANT or 2 ENERGY 6 2 9
Asteroid 15 base event 14 space, event 1 temp, 2 titanium 3 plant 6 2 10
Asteroid Mining 30 base automated 30 jovian, space 2 2 TITANIUM 6 2 11
Asteroid Mining Consortium 38 corporate automated 13 jovian 1 TITANIUM 1 1 TITANIUM 1 TITANIUM 6 2 12
Beam from a Thorium Asteroid 77 base automated 32 jovian, space, power 1 jovian tag 1 3 HEAT, 3 ENERGY 6 2 13
Big Asteroid 24 base event 27 space, event 2 temp, 4 titanium 4 plant 6 2 14
Biomass Combustors 52 base automated 4 power, building 6% oxygen -1 2 ENERGY 1 PLANT 6 2 15
Birds 140 base active 10 animal 13% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 1 animal on card 2 PLANT 6 2 16
Black Polar Dust 24 base automated 15 2 CREDIT 3 HEAT, 1 ocean 6 2 17
Breathing Filters 7 base automated 11 science 7% oxygen 2 6 2 18
Bribed Committee 7 corporate event 7 earth, event -2 2 TR 6 2 19
Building Industries 1 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building 2 STEEL 6 2 20
Bushes 42 base automated 10 plant -10°C 2 PLANT, 2 plant 6 2 21
Business Contacts 9 corporate event 7 earth, event 4 draw, then discard 2 of them 6 2 22
Callisto Penal Mines 18 corporate automated 24 jovian, space 2 3 CREDIT 6 2 23
Carbonate Processing 10 base automated 6 1 ENERGY building 3 HEAT 6 2 24
Caretaker Contract 17 corporate active 3 0°C 8 heat 1 TR 6 2 25
Cartel 7 corporate automated 8 earth 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag 6 2 26
Cloud Seeding 39 base automated 11 1 CREDIT 3 ocean 2 PLANT 1 HEAT 6 2 27
Colonizer Training Camp 10 base automated 8 jovian, building max 5% oxygen 2 6 2 28
Comet 20 base event 21 space, event 1 temp, 1 ocean 3 plant 6 2 29
Convoy From Europa 9 base event 15 space, event 1 ocean, 1 draw 6 2 30
Corporate Stronghold -9 corporate automated 11 1 ENERGY city, building -2 3 CREDIT, 1 city 6 2 31
Cupola City 4 base automated 16 1 ENERGY city, building max 9% oxygen 3 CREDIT, 1 city 6 2 32
Deep Well Heating 22 base automated 13 power, building 1 ENERGY, 1 temp 6 2 33
Deimos Down 42 base event 31 space, event 3 temp, 4 steel 8 plant 6 2 34
Designed Microorganisms 30 base automated 16 science, microbe max -14°C 2 PLANT 6 2 35
Development Center 13 corporate active 11 science, building 1 energy 1 draw 6 2 36
Domed Crater 14 base automated 24 1 ENERGY city, building max 7% oxygen 1 3 plant, 3 CREDIT, 1 city 6 2 37
Dust Seals 7 base automated 2 max 3 ocean 1 6 2 38
Electro Catapult 11 corporate active 17 1 ENERGY building max 8% oxygen 1 1 plant or 1 steel 7 credit 6 2 39
Energy Saving 31 base automated 15 power 1 ENERGY per 1 city 6 2 40
Energy Tapping 30 corporate automated 3 power -1 1 ENERGY 1 ENERGY 6 2 41
Eos Chasma National Park 25 base automated 16 plant, building -12°C 1 1 animal on other card, 3 plant, 2 CREDIT 6 2 42
Equatorial Magnetizer 43 base active 11 building 1 ENERGY 1 TR 6 2 43
Extreme Cold Fungus 73 base active 13 microbe max -10°C 1 plant or 2 microbe on other card 6 2 44
Farming 70 base automated 16 plant +4°C 2 2 CREDIT, 2 PLANT, 2 plant 6 2 45
Fish 118 base active 9 animal +2°C 1 per 1 animal on card 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 6 2 46
Flooding 6 base event 7 event -1 1 ocean 4 credit from owner of a tile adjacent to placed ocean 6 2 47
Food Factory 6 base automated 12 1 PLANT building 1 4 CREDIT 6 2 48
Fuel Factory 2 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building 1 TITANIUM, 1 CREDIT 6 2 49
Fueled Generators 12 base automated 1 1 CREDIT power, building 1 ENERGY 6 2 50
Fusion Power 49 base automated 14 science, power, building 2 power tag 3 ENERGY 6 2 51
Gene Repair 22 corporate automated 12 science 3 science tag 2 2 CREDIT 6 2 52
Geothermal Power 31 base automated 11 power, building 2 ENERGY 6 2 53
GHG Factories 17 base automated 11 1 ENERGY building 4 HEAT 6 2 54
Giant Ice Asteroid 45 base event 36 space, event 2 temp, 2 ocean 6 plant 6 2 55
Giant Space Mirror 46 base automated 17 power, space 3 ENERGY 6 2 56
Grass 21 base automated 11 plant -16°C 1 PLANT, 3 plant 6 2 57
Great Dam 39 base automated 12 power, building 4 ocean 1 2 ENERGY 6 2 58
Great Escarpment Consortium 22 corporate automated 6 1 STEEL 1 STEEL 1 STEEL 6 2 59
Greenhouses 0 base automated 6 plant, building 1 plant per 1 city 6 2 60
Hackers -1 corporate automated 3 1 ENERGY -1 2 CREDIT 2 CREDIT 6 2 61
Heat Trappers 30 base automated 6 power, building -1 1 ENERGY 2 HEAT 6 2 62
Heather 20 base automated 6 plant -14°C 1 PLANT, 1 plant 6 2 63
Hired Raiders 7 corporate event 1 event 2 steel or 3 credit 2 steel or 3 credit 6 2 64
Ice Asteroid 13 base event 23 space, event 2 ocean 6 2 65
Ice Cap Melting 13 base event 5 event +2°C 1 ocean 6 2 66
Import of Advanced GHG 16 base event 9 earth, space, event 2 HEAT 6 2 67
Imported GHG 10 base event 7 earth, space, event 1 HEAT, 3 heat 6 2 68
Imported Hydrogen 16 base event 16 earth, space, event 3 plant or 3 microbe on other card or 2 animal on other card, 1 ocean 6 2 69
Imported Nitrogen 33 base event 23 earth, space, event 1 TR, 4 plant, 3 microbe on other card, 2 animal on other card 6 2 70
Indentured Workers -1 corporate event 0 event -1 the next card played by player costs 8 credit fewer 6 2 71
Industrial Center 14 corporate active 4 building special tile adjacent to any city 7 credit 1 STEEL 6 2 72
Industrial Microbes 23 base automated 12 microbe, building 1 ENERGY, 1 STEEL 6 2 73
Insects 61 base automated 9 microbe 6% oxygen 1 PLANT per 1 player plant tag 6 2 74
Interstellar Colony Ship 13 corporate event 24 earth, space, event 5 science tag 4 6 2 75
Invention Contest 8 corporate event 2 science, event 3 draw, then discard 2 of them 6 2 76
Investment Loan -1 corporate event 3 1 CREDIT earth, event 10 credit 6 2 77
Ironworks 41 base active 11 building 4 energy 1 steel, 1 oxygen 6 2 78
Kelp Farming 83 base automated 17 plant 6 ocean 1 2 CREDIT, 3 PLANT, 2 plant 6 2 79
LaGrange Observatory 6 corporate automated 9 science, space 1 1 draw 6 2 80
Lake Marineris 36 base automated 18 0°C 2 2 ocean 6 2 81
Large Convoy 40 base event 36 earth, space, event 2 1 ocean, 2 draw, 5 plant or 4 animal on other card 6 2 82
Lichen 16 base automated 7 plant -24°C 1 PLANT 6 2 83
Lightning Harvest 30 base automated 8 power 3 science tag 1 1 ENERGY, 1 CREDIT 6 2 84
Livestock 84 base active 13 1 PLANT animal 9% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 2 CREDIT 1 animal on card 6 2 85
Local Heat Trapping 4 base event 1 5 heat event 4 plant or 2 animal on other card 6 2 86
Lunar Beam 38 base automated 13 2 CREDIT earth, power 2 HEAT, 2 ENERGY 6 2 87
Magnetic Field Dome -8 base automated 5 2 ENERGY building 1 PLANT, 1 TR 6 2 88
Magnetic Field Generator -9 base automated 20 4 ENERGY building 2 PLANT, 3 TR 6 2 89
Mangrove 22 base automated 12 plant +4°C 1 1 greenery on ocean site 6 2 90
Media Archives 3 corporate automated 8 earth 1 credit per 1 event played by all players 6 2 91
Medical Lab 35 corporate automated 13 science, building 1 1 CREDIT per 2 player building tag 6 2 92
Methane from Titan 61 base automated 28 jovian, space 2% oxygen 2 2 HEAT, 2 PLANT 6 2 93
Micro-Mills 9 base automated 3 1 HEAT 6 2 94
Mine 10 corporate automated 4 building 1 STEEL 6 2 95
Mineral Deposit 5 corporate event 5 event 5 steel 6 2 96
Mining Expedition 14 base event 12 event 1 oxygen, 2 steel 2 plant 6 2 97
Miranda Resort 12 corporate automated 12 jovian, space 1 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag 6 2 98
Mohole Area 33 base automated 20 building 4 HEAT, special tile on ocean site 6 2 99
Moss 16 base automated 4 1 plant plant 3 ocean 1 PLANT 6 2 100
Natural Preserve 11 base automated 9 science, building max 4% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT, special tile next to no other tile 6 2 101
Nitrophilic Moss 32 base automated 8 2 plant plant 3 ocean 2 PLANT 6 2 102
Noctis Farming 13 base automated 10 plant, building -20°C 1 1 CREDIT, 2 plant 6 2 103
Nuclear Power 37 base automated 10 2 CREDIT power, building 3 ENERGY 6 2 104
Nuclear Zone 2 base automated 10 earth -2 2 temp, special tile 6 2 105
Open City 20 base automated 23 1 ENERGY city, building 12% oxygen 1 4 CREDIT, 2 plant, 1 city 6 2 106
Ore Processor 47 base active 13 building 4 energy 1 titanium, 1 oxygen 6 2 107
Permafrost Extraction 10 base event 8 event -8°C 1 ocean 6 2 108
Peroxide Power 27 base automated 7 1 CREDIT power, building 2 ENERGY 6 2 109
Physics Complex 51 corporate active 12 science, building 2 per 1 resource on card 6 energy 1 resource on card 6 2 110
Plantation 8 base automated 15 plant 2 science tag 1 greenery 6 2 111
Power Grid 64 base automated 18 power 1 ENERGY per 1 player power tag 6 2 112
Power Plant 17 base automated 4 power, building 1 ENERGY 6 2 113
Power Supply Consortium 37 corporate automated 5 power 2 power tag 1 ENERGY 1 ENERGY 6 2 114
Protected Valley 18 base automated 23 plant, building 2 CREDIT, 1 greenery on ocean site 6 2 115
Rad-Chem Factory 3 base automated 8 1 ENERGY building 2 TR 6 2 116
Rad-Suits 11 corporate automated 6 any 2 city 1 1 CREDIT 6 2 117
Release of Inert Gases 18 base event 14 event 2 TR 6 2 118
Research 10 corporate automated 11 2 science 1 2 draw 6 2 119
Restricted Area 23 corporate active 11 science special tile 2 credit 1 draw 6 2 120
Sabotage 8 corporate event 1 event 3 titanium or 4 steel or 7 credit 6 2 121
Satellites 19 corporate automated 10 space 1 CREDIT per 1 player space tag 6 2 122
Security Fleet 68 corporate active 12 space 1 per 1 resource on card 1 titanium 1 resource on card 6 2 123
Small Animals 69 base active 6 animal 6% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 6 2 124
Soil Factory 2 base automated 9 1 ENERGY building 1 1 PLANT 6 2 125
Solar Power 19 base automated 11 power, building 1 1 ENERGY 6 2 126
Solar Wind Power 16 base automated 11 science, space, power 1 ENERGY, 2 titanium 6 2 127
Soletta 51 base automated 35 space 7 HEAT 6 2 128
Space Elevator 36 corporate active 27 space, building 2 1 TITANIUM 1 steel 5 credit 6 2 129
Space Mirrors 37 base active 3 power, space 7 credit 1 ENERGY 6 2 130
Sponsors 10 corporate automated 6 earth 2 CREDIT 6 2 131
Steelworks 53 base active 15 building 4 energy 2 steel, 1 oxygen 6 2 132
Strip Mine 14 base automated 25 2 ENERGY building 2 STEEL, 1 TITANIUM, 2 oxygen 6 2 133
Subterranean Reservoir 7 base event 11 event 1 ocean 6 2 134
Symbiotic Fungus 39 base active 4 microbe -14°C 1 microbe on other card 6 2 135
Tardigrades 22 corporate active 4 microbe 1 per 4 microbe on card 1 microbe on card 6 2 136
Technology Demonstration 7 corporate event 5 science, space, event 2 draw 6 2 137
Tectonic Stress Power 54 base automated 18 power, building 2 science tag 1 3 ENERGY 6 2 138
Terraforming Ganymede 13 corporate automated 33 jovian, space 2 1 TR per 1 player jovian tag 6 2 139
Titanium Mine 14 corporate automated 7 building 1 TITANIUM 6 2 140
Toll Station 17 corporate automated 12 space 1 CREDIT per 1 opponent space tag 6 2 141
Towing a Comet 17 base event 23 space, event 2 plant, 1 oxygen, 1 ocean 6 2 142
Trans-Neptune Probe 3 corporate automated 6 science, space 1 6 2 143
Trees 68 base automated 13 plant -4°C 1 3 PLANT, 1 plant 6 2 144
Tropical Resort 5 corporate automated 13 2 HEAT building 2 3 CREDIT 6 2 145
Tundra Farming 44 base automated 16 plant -6°C 2 1 PLANT, 2 CREDIT, 1 plant 6 2 146
Underground City -15 base automated 18 2 ENERGY city, building 2 STEEL, 1 city 6 2 147
Underground Detonation 32 base active 6 building 10 credit 2 HEAT 6 2 148
Urbanized Area 2 base automated 10 1 ENERGY city, building 2 CREDIT, 1 city adjacent to at least 2 cities 6 2 149
Vesta Shipyard 15 corporate automated 15 jovian, space 1 1 TITANIUM 6 2 150
Virus 13 corporate event 1 microbe, event 2 animal or 5 plant 6 2 151
Water Splitting Plant 48 base active 12 building 2 ocean 3 energy 1 oxygen 6 2 152
Wave Power 22 base automated 8 power 3 ocean 1 1 ENERGY 6 2 153
Windmills 24 base automated 6 power, building 7% oxygen 1 1 ENERGY 6 2 154
Worms 17 base automated 8 microbe 4% oxygen 1 PLANT per 2 player microbe tag 6 2 155
Zeppelins 14 base automated 13 5% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT per 1 city on mars 6 2 156

Special Cases

The 52 cards that require code beyond that in the base project valuation function.

▶ Methodology
For some special case projects, compute_value() is used to determine the project's basic value and then any additional effects are valued by extra code fed to the wrapper.
For the rest, the basic project valuation function is eschewed and a bespoke valuation function is executed.

groups - price reducers, card purchasers, mining projects, jovian and offworld
a - adaptation technology, advanced alloys, ants, aquifer pumping, arctic algae
b -
c - capital, ceo's favorite project, commercial district
d - decomposers
e - ecological zone
f -
g - ghg producing bacteria
h - herbivores
i - immigrant city, immigration shuttles, insulation
j -
k -
l - land claim, lava flows
m - mars university, martian rails, media group
n - nitrite reducing bacteria, nitrogen-rich asteroid, noctis city
o - olympus conference, optimal aerobraking
p - pets, power infrastructure, predators, protected habitat
q -
r - regolith eaters, robotic workforce, rover construction
s - search for life, special design, standard technology
t -
u -
v - viral enhancers
w - water import from europa
x -
y -
z -

Price Reducers

A group of projects that reduce the cost of certain other projects.

▶ Methodology
First it's determined the number of projects the player will play over the remainder of the game according to ave_projects_per_gen.

For those projects that offer a straight credit discount, the remaining number of projects is multiplied by the discount.

The rest of the projects offer a discount only to projects with a certain tag. In these cases, the number of remaining projects a player will research is multiplied by the chance that any given project will contain the relevant tag.

special cases

Credit values in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Anti-Gravity Technology 63 corporate active 14 science 7 science tag 3 cards cost 2 credit fewer 6 2 1
Earth Catapult 45 corporate active 23 earth 2 cards cost 2 credit fewer 6 2 2
Earth Office 9 corporate active 1 earth cards with an earth tag cost 3 credit fewer 6 2 3
Mass Converter 131 corporate active 8 science, power 5 science tag 6 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 6 2 4
Quantum Extractor 84 corporate active 13 science, power 4 science tag 4 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 6 2 5
Research Outpost 24 base active 18 science, city, building 1 city next to no other tile cards cost 1 credit fewer 6 2 6
Shuttles 7 base active 10 1 ENERGY space 5% oxygen 1 2 CREDIT cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 6 2 7
Space Station 12 corporate active 10 space 1 cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer 6 2 8

Card Purchasers

Two projects, Business Network and Inventor's Guild, that provide an active ability which allows the player to draw a project and then decide whether or not to buy that project into their hand for 3 credits.

▶ Methodology
Normally the effect of drawing a project is worth 6 credits:
  • 3 for not having to purchase it
  • 1 for the ability to sell it as a patent (a standard project)
  • 2 for the opportunity to draw something useful
Since Business Network and Inventor's Guild require the player to buy the drawn project if they want to put it in their hand, each drawn project is only worth the 2 credit opportunity cost.

special cases

Credit values in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Business Network 4 corporate active 4 1 CREDIT earth 1 draw, then buy or discard 6 2 1
Inventor’s Guild 7 corporate active 9 science 1 draw, then buy or discard 6 2 2

Mining Projects

Two projects, Mining Area and Mining Rights, whose immediate benefit is that the player places a special tile on an area with a steel or titanium bonus and then raises their production of that resource by 1.

▶ Methodology
To determine the average value of the immediate benefit, first the average is taken of the bonuses on all areas that include either steel or titanium. Then, the average of the increased steel and titanium productions.

special cases

Credit values in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Mining Area 17 corporate automated 4 building special tile on site with steel/titanium bonus and adjacent to player tile, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) 6 2 1
Mining Rights 12 base automated 9 building special tile on a site with steel/titanium bonus, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) 6 2 2

Jovian and Offworld

Three projects that among them share two similarities. Ganymede Colony and Io Mining Industries are each worth 1 vp for each jovian tag the player has showing at the end of the game. There is another project, Water Import from Europa, that is worth 1 vp for each Jovian tag but it isn't included here because it has an additional ability that requires separate attention.

Ganymede Colony and Phobos Space Haven each cause the player to place a city tile on a reserved offworld site. These sites differ from normal city placement in that they cannot be adjacent to any greenery tiles, meaning that they confer no added value.

▶ Methodology
For the two jovian projects, the average number of jovian tags a player will draw over the course of the game is multiplied by the value of 1 vp in the given generation.
For the two offworld site projects, the offworld city is skipped when evaluating benefits.

special cases

Credit values in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Ganymede Colony 11 base automated 20 jovian, space, city 1 per 1 player jovian tag 1 city on reserved site 6 2 1
Io Mining Industries 48 corporate automated 41 jovian, space 1 per 1 player jovian tag 2 TITANIUM, 2 CREDIT 6 2 2
Phobos Space Haven 24 base automated 25 space, city 3 1 TITANIUM, 1 city on reserved site 6 2 3

Adaptation Technology

Rather than providing a direct benefit, Adaptation Technology allows the player to bend the rules of the game. Some projects have a requirement that needs to be met before they're played. This could be the player showing a certain number of a type of tag, a certain level of temperature that must be reached, etc. Adaptation Technology affects those projects with a requirement tied to the three terraforming conditions (oceans, oxygen, and temperature) by easing the project requirements by 2 steps in either direction. If a project has a requirement of 5% oxygen, Adaptation Technology allows that project to be played at 3% oxygen.

▶ Methodology
Because Adaptation Technology's effect is extremely situational, determining an average functionability is prohibitively difficult. Instead, three values have been chosen based on author's experience:
  • 3 - The project's effect finds a use about every third generation
  • 2 - It allows a project with a terraforming requirement to be played about two generations early
  • 6 - The average amount of income gained through playing a project two generations early

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Adaptation Technology 25 base active 12 science 1 global requirements +/- 2 6 2 1

Advanced Alloys

Advanced Alloys increases the value of steel and titanium by 1 credit each. To determine the project's value, the average number of steel and titanium spent by a single player per generation are found.

▶ Methodology
The games in in_depth_games are looped through, recording the amount of steel and titanium spent per generation. This is averaged and used to determine the value added through Advanced Alloys for the current and each remaining generation.

special cases

The average number of steel and/or titanium played by a player per generation: 
1: 0.0
2: 0.2
3: 0.4
4: 1.2
5: 1.4
6: 1.7
7: 3.1
8: 2.4
9: 3.8
10: 4.9
11: 4.3
12: 6.9
13: 5.4
14: 5.9
15: 4.0
16: 6.666666666666667
17: 5.25

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Advanced Alloys 24 corporate active 9 science steel and titanium are each worth 1 credit extra 6 2 1


Ants provides an active benefit that allows the player to steal a microbe from another project and add it to Ants.

▶ Methodology
Ants is worth 1 vp per two microbes on it at end of game, making each microbe taken worth 1/2 vp as well as the average value of a microbe due to the microbe being removed, potentially, from an opponent.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Ants 65 base active 9 microbe 4% oxygen 1 per 2 microbe on card remove 1 microbe from any card 1 microbe on card 1 microbe per turn (active) 6 2 1

Aquifer Pumping

Aquifer Pumping provides the player with the ability to place an ocean tile once per generation. This ability costs 8 credits, which may be partially or fully paid with steel.

▶ Methodology
Starting with the current generation, the remaining generations are looped through and the active benefit is triggered on each, unless the maximum number of 9 oceans have already been placed.
average_oceans_per_gen is used to determine the number of ocean tiles on the board when Acquifer Pumping is played. If the average change from one generation to the next is > 1, the additional amount is added to the ocean counter in determining when the maximum has been reached.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Aquifer Pumping 52 base active 18 building 8 credit (steel may be spent) 1 ocean 6 2 1

Arctic Algae

Arctic Algae provides a passive benefit that triggers whenever an ocean tile is placed, yielding 2 plants.

▶ Methodology
terraforming() is used to determine the average number of oceans on the board when Arctic Algae is played, then the remaining number of ocean tiles to be placed is multiplied by 2 plants.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Arctic Algae 31 base active 12 plant max -12°C 1 plant when an ocean is placed, 2 plant 6 2 1


Capital allows the player to place a special city tile, and is worth 1 vp for each ocean adjacent to the that tile at the end of the game.

▶ Methodology
Each area on the map adjacent to one or more ocean areas has been counted. The total number of ocean areas adjacent to each such land area has been averaged over the total number of ocean-adjacent land areas to reach an average number of oceans adjacent to Capital.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Capital 4 base automated 26 2 ENERGY city, building 4 ocean 1 per 1 adjacent ocean 5 CREDIT, 1 city 6 2 1

CEO's Favorite Project

CEO's Favorite Project adds a resource cube to any project that already holds one or more resource cubes. This includes all cards that hold microbes or animals as well as Olympus Conference, Physics Complex, and Security Fleet.

▶ Methodology
The value per resource obtained from microbe_val() and animal_val() is averaged with the value per resource from Olympus Conference, Physics Complex, and Security Fleet.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
CEO’s Favorite Project 7 corporate event 1 event Add 1 resource to a card with at least 1 resource on it 6 2 1

Commercial District

Commercial District allows the player to place a special tile, and is worth 1 vp for each city adjacent to that tile at the end of the game.

▶ Methodology
Due to a lack of data regarding where tiles are placed on the board during logged games, the average number of cities adjacent to Commercial District at the end of a game must be set based on author's experience, by which it is set to 1.8.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Commercial District 14 corporate automated 16 1 ENERGY building 1 per 1 adjacent city 4 CREDIT, special tile 6 2 1


Decomposers gains a microbe every time a plant, animal, or microbe tag is found on the player's project as that project is played.

▶ Methodology
Loops through the current and remaining generations and determines the average number of plant, animal, and microbe tags that will be drawn by the player and converts them to 1/3 vp.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Decomposers 17 base active 5 microbe 3% oxygen 1 per 3 microbe on card when playing an animal, plant, or microbe tag, 1 microbe to card 6 2 1

Ecological Zone

Ecological Zone gains an animal every time an animal or plant tag is found on the player's project as that project is played.

▶ Methodology
Loops through the current and remaining generations and determines the average number of plant and animal tags that will be drawn by the player and converts them to 1/2 vp.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Ecological Zone 12 base active 12 animal, plant player’s 1 greenery tile 1 per 2 animal on card special tile adjacent to any greenery when playing an animal or plant tag, 1 animal to card 6 2 1

GHG Producing Bacteria

GHG Producing Bacteria provides the ability to add 1 microbe to itself or, if there are already 2 or more microbes on it, to remove 2 microbes in order to raise the temperature by 1 step.

▶ Methodology
The current and remaining generations are looped through and in every generation a microbe is added, unless the microbe count is at two, in which case they are removed to raise the temperature.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
GHG Producing Bacteria 20 base active 8 science, microbe 4% oxygen none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 temp 6 2 1


Herbivores gains an animal every time the player places a greenery tile.

▶ Methodology
First, a list must be created of the average number of greenery tiles placed by a player in a given generation. Then it is used to determine the number of greenery tiles placed by the player for the remainder of the game after Herbivores is placed, which is converted into vp.

special cases

The average number of greenery tiles placed by a player per generation: 
1: 0.0
2: 0.0
3: 0.2
4: 0.0
5: 0.1
6: 0.0
7: 0.0
8: 0.1
9: 0.3
10: 0.1
11: 0.5
12: 0.6
13: 0.6
14: 0.9
15: 1.875
16: 2.3333333333333335
17: 3.0

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Herbivores 28 base active 12 animal 8% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when placing a greenery tile, 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 6 2 1

Immigrant City

Immigrant City grants the player an additional CREDIT every time a city tile is placed.

▶ Methodology
ave_cities_on_board is used to check the number of city tiles placed in the given generation. A CREDIT is added for the city tile placed as a result of playing Immigrant City and then the average number of city tiles placed during each remaining generation is multiplied by the value of a CREDIT in that generation.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Immigrant City -8 base active 13 1 ENERGY, 2 CREDIT city, building 1 city when a city is built, 1 CREDIT 6 2 1

Immigration Shuttles

Immigration Shuttles is worth 1 vp per 3 city tiles (rounded down) on the board at the end of the game.

▶ Methodology
The average number of cities on the board at the end of a game is simply divided by 3 and then multiplied by the value of 1 vp during the generation in which Immigration Shuttles is played.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Immigration Shuttles 30 base automated 31 earth, space 1 per 3 city on board 5 CREDIT 6 2 1


Insulation allows the player to convert any number of HEAT into the same number of CREDIT. The difficulty is that HEAT is worth more than CREDIT, so the benefit is always net negative. In effect, without context it is always bad to play this project. The only reason to do so would be if credits were more important than heat, such as when the temperature has already been maxed out and there is potentially no more use for heat. Since the purpose of this analysis is to remove context, Insulation will always have a negative value.

▶ Methodology
It is assumed that when Insulation is played, the player will want to convert all of their HEAT into CREDIT. To that end, it is first determined the average number of HEAT a player will have during the generation in which Insulation is played and it converts that amount.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Insulation -25 base automated 2 x HEAT x CREDIT 6 2 1

Land Claim

Land Claim allows the player to reserve an empty land area, so that only they may place a tile there in a future action.

▶ Methodology
Land Claim's benefit is too contextual to determine an average value based on available data so an estimation must be made as to how many vp are gained. 1.8 vp is chosen based on author's experience.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Land Claim 16 corporate event 1 event mark a site where only you can build 6 2 1

Lava Flows

Lava Flows provides the player with a special tile to place on any of the four volcanic sites (Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, Ascraeus Mons, or Tharsis Tholus).

▶ Methodology
The resources gained from the four volcanic sites are averaged to determine the value added from the tile placement.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Lava Flows 15 base event 18 event 2 temp, special tile on volcano site 6 2 1

Mars University

Mars University allows the player to discard a project in order to draw a project whenever they play a science tag.

▶ Methodology
The discarded project is valued at 4 credits: the 3 credits spent to put it into the player's hand, and the 1 credit that it could have been sold for. That means that the project-drawing benefit of Mars University is essentially worth just the opportunity value of seeing a new project.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Mars University 11 corporate active 8 science, building 1 when playing a science tag, may discard a card for 1 draw 6 2 1

Martian Rails

Martian Rails provides the active benefit of spending 1 energy to gain 1 credit for each city tile on the board.

▶ Methodology
The current and remaining generations are looped through and for each, the cost is weighed against the benefit based on the number of city tiles according to ave_cities_on_board.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Martian Rails -1 base active 13 building 1 energy 1 credit per 1 city on mars 6 2 1

Media Group

Media Group bestows 3 credits to the player every time they play an event project.

▶ Methodology
The number of projects the player will see via the research phase for the current and remaining generations are multiplied by the chance a drawn project will be an event and then by the benefit value of 3 credits.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Media Group 11 corporate active 6 earth 3 credit after playing an event card 6 2 1

Nitrite Reducing Bacteria

Nitrite Reducing Bacteria provides the ability to add 1 microbe to itself or, if there are already 3 microbes on it, to remove them in order to raise the player's TR by 1.

▶ Methodology
The current and remaining generations are looped through and in each gen, if the number of microbes on Nitrite Reducing Bacteria equals 3, they are spent to raise the player's TR. Otherwise, 1 microbe is added instead.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Nitrite Reducing Bacteria 21 base active 11 microbe 3 microbe on card none/remove 3 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 TR 6 2 1

Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid

Nitrogen Rich Asteroid provides the player with a conditional benefit. If the player has at least 3 plant tags showing on their projects when Nitrogen Rich Asteroid is played, it gives them 4 PLANT. Otherwise, it gives them 1 PLANT.

▶ Methodology
The number of projects the player has drawn from research so far is multiplied by the chance that a given non-event project has a plant tag. If the result is greater than or equal to 3, the benefit is valued at 4 PLANT. Otherwise, it is valued at 1 PLANT.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid 107 base event 31 space, event 4 PLANT if 3 player plant tag or 1 PLANT, 2 TR, 1 temp 6 2 1

Noctis City

Noctis City allows the player to place a city tile on a specific area of the map.

▶ Methodology
The resource gained from this placement is 2 plant, and thus this value is added instead of tile_land.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Noctis City 8 base automated 18 1 ENERGY city, building 3 CREDIT, 1 city on the reserved site 6 2 1

Olympus Conference

Olympus Conference has a passive benefit that triggers whenever the player plays a project with a science tag. For each science tag, that player may either add a science resource to Olympus Conference or remove a science resource from Olympus Conference in order to draw a project.

▶ Methodology
The average number of projects with a science tag that the player will draw in the current and remaining rounds is multiplied by half the value of a draw.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Olympus Conference 14 corporate active 10 science, earth, building 1 when playing a science tag, either add 1 resource to card or remove 1 resource to draw 1 6 2 1

Optimal Aerobraking

Optimal Aerobraking has a passive benefit yielding 3 credits and 3 heat that triggers whenever the player plays a project with both a space tag and an event tag.

▶ Methodology
A DataFrame is created with every project that contains both a space tag and an event tag, which is then used to determine the chance that a given project drawn will contain both tags. This chance is multiplied by the number of projects seen by the player in the research phases of the current and remaining generations, the product of which is then multiplied by the benefit value.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Optimal Aerobraking 15 base active 7 space 3 credit, 3 heat after paying for a space event 6 2 1


Pets gains an animal resource whenever a city tile is placed, and is worth 1 vp per 2 animal resources on it at end of game.

▶ Methodology
First, ave_cities_on_board is used to determine the number of city tiles that will be placed throughout the current and remaining generations. That number is then multiplied by 1/2 vp.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Pets 21 base active 10 earth, animal 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when a city is built, 1 animal on card, animals cannot be removed from card 6 2 1

Power Infrastructure

Power Infrastructure has an active benefit that converts any number of energy into the same number of credits. Because an energy is worth more than a credit, it suffers from the same problem as Insulation in that the project's value will always be negative.

▶ Methodology
Since it is prohibitively difficult to determine an average number of energy a player may have in a given generation and impossible to determine how much they would want to spend, the average has been estimated at 3.5 energy per generation.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Power Infrastructure -53 corporate active 4 power, building x energy x credit 6 2 1


Predators has an active benefit that removes an animal resource from an opponent's project and places it on Predators. It is worth 1 vp for each animal resource on it at the end of the game.

▶ Methodology
The current values of 1 vp and 1 animal resource (as removed from an opponent) are multiplied by the number of remaining generations, including the current gen.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Predators 115 base active 14 animal 11% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card remove 1 animal from any card 1 animal on card 1 animal per turn (active) 6 2 1

Protected Habitat

Protected Habitat has a passive benefit that prevents the player's plants, animal resources, and microbe resources from being removed by an opponent's project.

▶ Methodology
A DataFrame is created containing every project that removes plants, animal resources, or microbe resources from an opponent. This is used to determine the value of the removed resources from each project within, which are averaged into ave_removed_per_project. Then the length of the DataFrame is used to determine the chance that any project drawn will be one from the DataFrame, which is saved to chance_removed_played.

Finally, chance_removed_played is multiplied by all the player's projects drawn in the current and remaining generations' research phases, the product of which is then multiplied by ave_removed_per_project to determine the average amount of value protected by Protected Habitat.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Protected Habitat 23 corporate active 5 opponents may not remove player plant, animal, or microbe 6 2 1

Regolith Eaters

Regolith Eaters provides the ability to add 1 microbe to itself or, if there are already 2 microbes on it, to remove them in order to raise the oxygen level by 1 step (also raising the player's TR by 1).

▶ Methodology
The current and remaining generations are looped through and in each gen, if the number of microbes on Nitrite Reducing Bacteria equals 2, they are spent to raise the player's TR. Otherwise, 1 microbe is added instead.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Regolith Eaters 19 base active 13 science, microbe none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 oxygen 6 2 1

Robotic Workforce

Robotic Workforce allows the player to copy the production benefits of one of their existing projects with a building tag, though it also copies any additional production costs.

▶ Methodology
Each eligible project (those that have a building tag and any production benefits) is collected into a DataFrame. Then for each project in the DataFrame, the value of any additional production costs is subtracted from the value of any production benefits. The resulting value is added as a column in the DataFrame and the values are averaged to determine the added value to Robotic Workforce.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Robotic Workforce 7 corporate automated 9 science copy the immediate benefit of player card with building tag 6 2 1

Rover Construction

Rover Construction has a passive benefit that awards the player 2 credits whenever a city tile is placed.

▶ Methodology
ave_cities_on_board is used to determine the average number of cities played through the current and remaining generations.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Rover Construction 15 base active 8 building 1 when a city is built, 2 credit 6 2 1

Search for Life

Search for Life's active ability allows the player to reveal and then discard the top project from the deck. If that project contains a microbe tag, then a science resource is placed on Search for Life and it is worth 3 vp. Additional science resources have no effect.

▶ Methodology
The odds of revealing a project with a microbe tag are multiplied by the number of remaining generations plus the current gen. That results in the average chance that the project will be worth 3 vp by game's end. This chance is simply multiplied by 3 vp to come up with the value added by the active benefit.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Search for Life 14 base active 3 science max 6% oxygen 3 if at least 1 resource on card 1 credit reveal 1, if it has microbe tag, 1 resource on card 6 2 1

Special Design

Special Design has a similar effect to Adaptation Technology in that it allows the player to cheat one of the terraforming prerequisites by up to two steps in either direction when playing a project. The difference is that instead of a permanent passive effect, Special Design only grants that ability for the next project played by the player.

▶ Methodology
Special Design uses the same estimates as Adaptation Technology, namely that it allows a relevant project to be played about 2 generations early and each of those generations is worth about an extra 6 credits.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Special Design 8 base event 4 science, event global requirements +/- 2 for next card played 6 2 1

Standard Technology

Standard Technology provides a passive benefit that awards the player 3 credits after they've purchased any standard project.

▶ Methodology
First, in_depth_games is looped through and a list is made for each player in each game that records the number of standard projects they purchased during every generation in that game. Next, those lists are used to find the average number of standard projects purchased by a player during any given generation.

Then the current and remaining generations are looped through and for each, the average number of standard projects purchased by a player during that generation is multiplied by 3 credits. Finally, the total added value is multiplied by 1.5 to reflect the greater likelihood of a player purchasing standard projects once they've played Standard Technology.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Standard Technology -1 corporate active 6 science 3 credit after paying for a standard project 6 2 1

Viral Enhancers

Viral Enhancers provides a passive benefit that yields a bonus whenever the player plays a project with a plant, microbe, and/or animal tag. If a plant tag is played, the player gains a plant. If a microbe or animal tag is played, the player may gain a plant or add an appropriate resource to the project with the tag.

▶ Methodology
The number of projects the player has drawn in the current research phase and will draw in the research phases of the remaining generations is multiplied by the chance that any given project will contain a plant, microbe, or animal tag, respectively. Each of those products will then be multiplied by the value added by the given bonus.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Viral Enhancers 21 corporate active 9 science, microbe when playing a plant, microbe, or animal tag, (1 plant, or 1 microbe or 1 animal on card) 6 2 1

Water Import from Europa

Water Import from Europa provides the player with the ability to place an ocean tile once per generation. This ability costs 12 credits, which may be partially or fully paid with titanium. It is also worth 1 vp per jovian tag the player has at game's end.

▶ Methodology
Starting with the current generation, the remaining generations are looped through and the active benefit is triggered on each, unless the maximum number of 9 oceans have already been placed.

average_oceans_per_gen is used to determine the number of ocean tiles on the board when Water Import from Europa is played. If the average change from one generation to the next is ≥ 2, the additional ocean is added to the ocean counter in determining when the maximum has been reached.

Finally, The total number of cards the player will see during research phases over the course of an average game is multiplied by the chance that a given project will contain a Jovian tag to determine the number of vp awarded.

special cases

Credit value in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
Water Import from Europa 48 base active 25 jovian, space 1 per 1 player jovian tag 12 credit (titanium may be spent) 1 ocean 6 2 1

Single Gen Evaluation

The first step is to calculate the values of every project given a single generation and player count. Included in this is a prerequisite check. Some projects have prerequisites that must be met before they can be played, such as a certain number of tags having been played, or a certain terraforming state having been reached. Several of these projects would be worth a great deal of credits if played in the first generation for example, but it may range from unlikely to impossible that these prerequisites would have been met.

The prerequisite check determines the average generation in which any prerequisite could be met, and if enabled, will give any project deemed unable to be played in the given generation a null value.

▶ Methodology
A dictionary with basic_case_eval and all of the special cases functions is looped through and the resulting DataFrames are combined and sorted.

Next, check_prereqs is defined to determine the eligibility of a project with prerequisites for a given generation. The prerequisites checked are for having a certain minimum number of a tag showing and then either a minimum or maximum value for one of the terraforming states (oceans, oxygen, and temperature). In addition, there are two projects with unique prerequisites. Advanced Ecosystems requires one each of three different tags showing, and Rad-Suits requires two cities to have been placed on the board by any player/s.

check_prereqs can be observed or ignored based on the ignore_prereqs parameter.


All projects' credit values in the sixth generation of a 2 player game:
Title Value Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Generation Players Index
AI Central 63 corporate active 21 1 ENERGY science, building 3 science tag 1 nan nan nan 2 draw nan 6 2 1
Acquired Company 14 corporate automated 10 nan earth nan nan 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 2
Adaptation Technology 25 base active 12 nan science nan 1 nan global requirements +/- 2 nan nan nan 6 2 3
Adapted Lichen 14 base automated 9 nan plant nan nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 4
Advanced Alloys 24 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan steel and titanium are each worth 1 credit extra nan nan nan 6 2 5
Advanced Ecosystems 17 base automated 11 nan plant, microbe, animal 1 plant tag, 1 microbe tag, and 1 animal tag 3 nan nan nan nan nan 6 2 6
Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid 43 base event 26 nan space, event nan nan 2 microbe on other card, 3 HEAT, 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 7
Algae N/A base automated 10 nan plant 5 ocean nan 1 plant, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 8
Anti-Gravity Technology N/A corporate active 14 nan science 7 science tag 3 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 9
Ants N/A base active 9 nan microbe 4% oxygen 1 per 2 microbe on card nan nan remove 1 microbe from any card 1 microbe on card 1 microbe per turn (active) 6 2 10
Aquifer Pumping 52 base active 18 nan building nan nan nan nan 8 credit (steel may be spent) 1 ocean nan 6 2 11
Archaebacteria 17 base automated 6 nan microbe max -18°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 12
Arctic Algae 31 base active 12 nan plant max -12°C nan 1 plant when an ocean is placed, 2 plant nan nan nan 6 2 13
Artificial Lake N/A base automated 15 nan building -6°C 1 1 ocean on land site nan nan nan nan 6 2 14
Artificial Photosynthesis 30 base automated 12 nan science nan nan 1 PLANT or 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 15
Asteroid 15 base event 14 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 2 titanium nan nan nan 3 plant 6 2 16
Asteroid Mining 30 base automated 30 nan jovian, space nan 2 2 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 6 2 17
Asteroid Mining Consortium 38 corporate automated 13 nan jovian 1 TITANIUM 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan 1 TITANIUM 6 2 18
Beam from a Thorium Asteroid 77 base automated 32 nan jovian, space, power 1 jovian tag 1 3 HEAT, 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 19
Big Asteroid 24 base event 27 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 4 titanium nan nan nan 4 plant 6 2 20
Biomass Combustors N/A base automated 4 nan power, building 6% oxygen -1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 PLANT 6 2 21
Birds 140 base active 10 nan animal 13% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 2 PLANT 6 2 22
Black Polar Dust 24 base automated 15 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 3 HEAT, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 23
Breathing Filters N/A base automated 11 nan science 7% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 6 2 24
Bribed Committee 7 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan -2 2 TR nan nan nan nan 6 2 25
Building Industries 1 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL nan nan nan nan 6 2 26
Bushes N/A base automated 10 nan plant -10°C nan 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 27
Business Contacts 9 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan nan 4 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 6 2 28
Business Network 4 corporate active 4 1 CREDIT earth nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 6 2 29
CEO’s Favorite Project 7 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan Add 1 resource to a card with at least 1 resource on it nan nan nan nan 6 2 30
Callisto Penal Mines 18 corporate automated 24 nan jovian, space nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 31
Capital N/A base automated 26 2 ENERGY city, building 4 ocean 1 per 1 adjacent ocean 5 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 32
Carbonate Processing 10 base automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 3 HEAT nan nan nan nan 6 2 33
Caretaker Contract N/A corporate active 3 nan nan 0°C nan nan nan 8 heat 1 TR nan 6 2 34
Cartel 7 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 35
Cloud Seeding N/A base automated 11 1 CREDIT nan 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan 1 HEAT 6 2 36
Colonizer Training Camp 10 base automated 8 nan jovian, building max 5% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 6 2 37
Comet 20 base event 21 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 1 ocean nan nan nan 3 plant 6 2 38
Commercial District 14 corporate automated 16 1 ENERGY building nan 1 per 1 adjacent city 4 CREDIT, special tile nan nan nan nan 6 2 39
Convoy From Europa 9 base event 15 nan space, event nan nan 1 ocean, 1 draw nan nan nan nan 6 2 40
Corporate Stronghold -9 corporate automated 11 1 ENERGY city, building nan -2 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 41
Cupola City 4 base automated 16 1 ENERGY city, building max 9% oxygen nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 42
Decomposers N/A base active 5 nan microbe 3% oxygen 1 per 3 microbe on card nan when playing an animal, plant, or microbe tag, 1 microbe to card nan nan nan 6 2 43
Deep Well Heating 22 base automated 13 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 6 2 44
Deimos Down 42 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 3 temp, 4 steel nan nan nan 8 plant 6 2 45
Designed Microorganisms 30 base automated 16 nan science, microbe max -14°C nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 46
Development Center 13 corporate active 11 nan science, building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 draw nan 6 2 47
Domed Crater 14 base automated 24 1 ENERGY city, building max 7% oxygen 1 3 plant, 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 48
Dust Seals 7 base automated 2 nan nan max 3 ocean 1 nan nan nan nan nan 6 2 49
Earth Catapult 45 corporate active 23 nan earth nan 2 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 50
Earth Office 9 corporate active 1 nan earth nan nan nan cards with an earth tag cost 3 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 51
Ecological Zone 12 base active 12 nan animal, plant player’s 1 greenery tile 1 per 2 animal on card special tile adjacent to any greenery when playing an animal or plant tag, 1 animal to card nan nan nan 6 2 52
Electro Catapult 11 corporate active 17 1 ENERGY building max 8% oxygen 1 nan nan 1 plant or 1 steel 7 credit nan 6 2 53
Energy Saving 31 base automated 15 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 54
Energy Tapping 30 corporate automated 3 nan power nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 6 2 55
Eos Chasma National Park N/A base automated 16 nan plant, building -12°C 1 1 animal on other card, 3 plant, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 56
Equatorial Magnetizer 43 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 1 TR nan 6 2 57
Extreme Cold Fungus 73 base active 13 nan microbe max -10°C nan nan nan nan 1 plant or 2 microbe on other card nan 6 2 58
Farming N/A base automated 16 nan plant +4°C 2 2 CREDIT, 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 59
Fish N/A base active 9 nan animal +2°C 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 6 2 60
Flooding 6 base event 7 nan event nan -1 1 ocean nan nan nan 4 credit from owner of a tile adjacent to placed ocean 6 2 61
Food Factory 6 base automated 12 1 PLANT building nan 1 4 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 62
Fuel Factory 2 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 1 TITANIUM, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 63
Fueled Generators 12 base automated 1 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 64
Fusion Power 49 base automated 14 nan science, power, building 2 power tag nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 65
GHG Factories 17 base automated 11 1 ENERGY building nan nan 4 HEAT nan nan nan nan 6 2 66
GHG Producing Bacteria N/A base active 8 nan science, microbe 4% oxygen nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 temp nan 6 2 67
Ganymede Colony 11 base automated 20 nan jovian, space, city nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 6 2 68
Gene Repair 22 corporate automated 12 nan science 3 science tag 2 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 69
Geothermal Power 31 base automated 11 nan power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 70
Giant Ice Asteroid 45 base event 36 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 2 ocean nan nan nan 6 plant 6 2 71
Giant Space Mirror 46 base automated 17 nan power, space nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 72
Grass N/A base automated 11 nan plant -16°C nan 1 PLANT, 3 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 73
Great Dam N/A base automated 12 nan power, building 4 ocean 1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 74
Great Escarpment Consortium 22 corporate automated 6 nan nan 1 STEEL nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan 1 STEEL 6 2 75
Greenhouses 0 base automated 6 nan plant, building nan nan 1 plant per 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 76
Hackers -1 corporate automated 3 1 ENERGY nan nan -1 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 2 CREDIT 6 2 77
Heat Trappers 30 base automated 6 nan power, building nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 2 HEAT 6 2 78
Heather N/A base automated 6 nan plant -14°C nan 1 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 79
Herbivores N/A base active 12 nan animal 8% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when placing a greenery tile, 1 animal on card nan nan 1 PLANT 6 2 80
Hired Raiders 7 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit nan nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit 6 2 81
Ice Asteroid 13 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 82
Ice Cap Melting N/A base event 5 nan event +2°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 83
Immigrant City -8 base active 13 1 ENERGY, 2 CREDIT city, building nan nan 1 city when a city is built, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan 6 2 84
Immigration Shuttles 30 base automated 31 nan earth, space nan 1 per 3 city on board 5 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 85
Import of Advanced GHG 16 base event 9 nan earth, space, event nan nan 2 HEAT nan nan nan nan 6 2 86
Imported GHG 10 base event 7 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 HEAT, 3 heat nan nan nan nan 6 2 87
Imported Hydrogen 16 base event 16 nan earth, space, event nan nan 3 plant or 3 microbe on other card or 2 animal on other card, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 88
Imported Nitrogen 33 base event 23 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 TR, 4 plant, 3 microbe on other card, 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 6 2 89
Indentured Workers -1 corporate event 0 nan event nan -1 the next card played by player costs 8 credit fewer nan nan nan nan 6 2 90
Industrial Center 14 corporate active 4 nan building nan nan special tile adjacent to any city nan 7 credit 1 STEEL nan 6 2 91
Industrial Microbes 23 base automated 12 nan microbe, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 6 2 92
Insects N/A base automated 9 nan microbe 6% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 1 player plant tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 93
Insulation -25 base automated 2 x HEAT nan nan nan x CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 94
Interstellar Colony Ship N/A corporate event 24 nan earth, space, event 5 science tag 4 nan nan nan nan nan 6 2 95
Invention Contest 8 corporate event 2 nan science, event nan nan 3 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 6 2 96
Inventor’s Guild 7 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 6 2 97
Investment Loan -1 corporate event 3 1 CREDIT earth, event nan nan 10 credit nan nan nan nan 6 2 98
Io Mining Industries 48 corporate automated 41 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 2 TITANIUM, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 99
Ironworks 41 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 steel, 1 oxygen nan 6 2 100
Kelp Farming N/A base automated 17 nan plant 6 ocean 1 2 CREDIT, 3 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 101
LaGrange Observatory 6 corporate automated 9 nan science, space nan 1 1 draw nan nan nan nan 6 2 102
Lake Marineris N/A base automated 18 nan nan 0°C 2 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 103
Land Claim 16 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan mark a site where only you can build nan nan nan nan 6 2 104
Large Convoy 40 base event 36 nan earth, space, event nan 2 1 ocean, 2 draw, 5 plant or 4 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 6 2 105
Lava Flows 15 base event 18 nan event nan nan 2 temp, special tile on volcano site nan nan nan nan 6 2 106
Lichen 16 base automated 7 nan plant -24°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 107
Lightning Harvest 30 base automated 8 nan power 3 science tag 1 1 ENERGY, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 108
Livestock N/A base active 13 1 PLANT animal 9% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 2 CREDIT nan nan 1 animal on card nan 6 2 109
Local Heat Trapping 4 base event 1 5 heat event nan nan 4 plant or 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 6 2 110
Lunar Beam 38 base automated 13 2 CREDIT earth, power nan nan 2 HEAT, 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 111
Magnetic Field Dome -8 base automated 5 2 ENERGY building nan nan 1 PLANT, 1 TR nan nan nan nan 6 2 112
Magnetic Field Generator -9 base automated 20 4 ENERGY building nan nan 2 PLANT, 3 TR nan nan nan nan 6 2 113
Mangrove N/A base automated 12 nan plant +4°C 1 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 6 2 114
Mars University 11 corporate active 8 nan science, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, may discard a card for 1 draw nan nan nan 6 2 115
Martian Rails -1 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 credit per 1 city on mars nan 6 2 116
Mass Converter N/A corporate active 8 nan science, power 5 science tag nan 6 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 117
Media Archives 3 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 credit per 1 event played by all players nan nan nan nan 6 2 118
Media Group 11 corporate active 6 nan earth nan nan nan 3 credit after playing an event card nan nan nan 6 2 119
Medical Lab 35 corporate automated 13 nan science, building nan 1 1 CREDIT per 2 player building tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 120
Methane from Titan N/A base automated 28 nan jovian, space 2% oxygen 2 2 HEAT, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 121
Micro-Mills 9 base automated 3 nan nan nan nan 1 HEAT nan nan nan nan 6 2 122
Mine 10 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 6 2 123
Mineral Deposit 5 corporate event 5 nan event nan nan 5 steel nan nan nan nan 6 2 124
Mining Area 17 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan special tile on site with steel/titanium bonus and adjacent to player tile, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 6 2 125
Mining Expedition 14 base event 12 nan event nan nan 1 oxygen, 2 steel nan nan nan 2 plant 6 2 126
Mining Rights 12 base automated 9 nan building nan nan special tile on a site with steel/titanium bonus, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 6 2 127
Miranda Resort 12 corporate automated 12 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 128
Mohole Area 33 base automated 20 nan building nan nan 4 HEAT, special tile on ocean site nan nan nan nan 6 2 129
Moss N/A base automated 4 1 plant plant 3 ocean nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 130
Natural Preserve 11 base automated 9 nan science, building max 4% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT, special tile next to no other tile nan nan nan nan 6 2 131
Nitrite Reducing Bacteria 21 base active 11 nan microbe nan nan 3 microbe on card nan none/remove 3 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 TR nan 6 2 132
Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid 107 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 4 PLANT if 3 player plant tag or 1 PLANT, 2 TR, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 6 2 133
Nitrophilic Moss N/A base automated 8 2 plant plant 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 134
Noctis City 8 base automated 18 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city on the reserved site nan nan nan nan 6 2 135
Noctis Farming N/A base automated 10 nan plant, building -20°C 1 1 CREDIT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 136
Nuclear Power 37 base automated 10 2 CREDIT power, building nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 137
Nuclear Zone 2 base automated 10 nan earth nan -2 2 temp, special tile nan nan nan nan 6 2 138
Olympus Conference 14 corporate active 10 nan science, earth, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, either add 1 resource to card or remove 1 resource to draw 1 nan nan nan 6 2 139
Open City 20 base automated 23 1 ENERGY city, building 12% oxygen 1 4 CREDIT, 2 plant, 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 140
Optimal Aerobraking 15 base active 7 nan space nan nan nan 3 credit, 3 heat after paying for a space event nan nan nan 6 2 141
Ore Processor 47 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 titanium, 1 oxygen nan 6 2 142
Permafrost Extraction N/A base event 8 nan event -8°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 143
Peroxide Power 27 base automated 7 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 144
Pets 21 base active 10 nan earth, animal nan 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when a city is built, 1 animal on card, animals cannot be removed from card nan nan nan 6 2 145
Phobos Space Haven 24 base automated 25 nan space, city nan 3 1 TITANIUM, 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 6 2 146
Physics Complex 51 corporate active 12 nan science, building nan 2 per 1 resource on card nan nan 6 energy 1 resource on card nan 6 2 147
Plantation 8 base automated 15 nan plant 2 science tag nan 1 greenery nan nan nan nan 6 2 148
Power Grid 64 base automated 18 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 player power tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 149
Power Infrastructure -53 corporate active 4 nan power, building nan nan nan nan x energy x credit nan 6 2 150
Power Plant 17 base automated 4 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 151
Power Supply Consortium 37 corporate automated 5 nan power 2 power tag nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 6 2 152
Predators 115 base active 14 nan animal 11% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan remove 1 animal from any card 1 animal on card 1 animal per turn (active) 6 2 153
Protected Habitat 23 corporate active 5 nan nan nan nan nan opponents may not remove player plant, animal, or microbe nan nan nan 6 2 154
Protected Valley 18 base automated 23 nan plant, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 6 2 155
Quantum Extractor 84 corporate active 13 nan science, power 4 science tag nan 4 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 156
Rad-Chem Factory 3 base automated 8 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 6 2 157
Rad-Suits 11 corporate automated 6 nan nan any 2 city 1 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 158
Regolith Eaters 19 base active 13 nan science, microbe nan nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 oxygen nan 6 2 159
Release of Inert Gases 18 base event 14 nan event nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 6 2 160
Research 10 corporate automated 11 nan 2 science nan 1 2 draw nan nan nan nan 6 2 161
Research Outpost 24 base active 18 nan science, city, building nan nan 1 city next to no other tile cards cost 1 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 162
Restricted Area 23 corporate active 11 nan science nan nan special tile nan 2 credit 1 draw nan 6 2 163
Robotic Workforce 7 corporate automated 9 nan science nan nan copy the immediate benefit of player card with building tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 164
Rover Construction 15 base active 8 nan building nan 1 nan when a city is built, 2 credit nan nan nan 6 2 165
Sabotage 8 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan nan nan nan nan 3 titanium or 4 steel or 7 credit 6 2 166
Satellites 19 corporate automated 10 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player space tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 167
Search for Life 14 base active 3 nan science max 6% oxygen 3 if at least 1 resource on card nan nan 1 credit reveal 1, if it has microbe tag, 1 resource on card nan 6 2 168
Security Fleet 68 corporate active 12 nan space nan 1 per 1 resource on card nan nan 1 titanium 1 resource on card nan 6 2 169
Shuttles N/A base active 10 1 ENERGY space 5% oxygen 1 2 CREDIT cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 170
Small Animals N/A base active 6 nan animal 6% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 6 2 171
Soil Factory 2 base automated 9 1 ENERGY building nan 1 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 6 2 172
Solar Power 19 base automated 11 nan power, building nan 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 173
Solar Wind Power 16 base automated 11 nan science, space, power nan nan 1 ENERGY, 2 titanium nan nan nan nan 6 2 174
Soletta 51 base automated 35 nan space nan nan 7 HEAT nan nan nan nan 6 2 175
Space Elevator 36 corporate active 27 nan space, building nan 2 1 TITANIUM nan 1 steel 5 credit nan 6 2 176
Space Mirrors 37 base active 3 nan power, space nan nan nan nan 7 credit 1 ENERGY nan 6 2 177
Space Station 12 corporate active 10 nan space nan 1 nan cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 6 2 178
Special Design 8 base event 4 nan science, event nan nan global requirements +/- 2 for next card played nan nan nan nan 6 2 179
Sponsors 10 corporate automated 6 nan earth nan nan 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 180
Standard Technology -1 corporate active 6 nan science nan nan nan 3 credit after paying for a standard project nan nan nan 6 2 181
Steelworks 53 base active 15 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 2 steel, 1 oxygen nan 6 2 182
Strip Mine 14 base automated 25 2 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 TITANIUM, 2 oxygen nan nan nan nan 6 2 183
Subterranean Reservoir 7 base event 11 nan event nan nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 184
Symbiotic Fungus N/A base active 4 nan microbe -14°C nan nan nan nan 1 microbe on other card nan 6 2 185
Tardigrades 22 corporate active 4 nan microbe nan 1 per 4 microbe on card nan nan nan 1 microbe on card nan 6 2 186
Technology Demonstration 7 corporate event 5 nan science, space, event nan nan 2 draw nan nan nan nan 6 2 187
Tectonic Stress Power 54 base automated 18 nan power, building 2 science tag 1 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 188
Terraforming Ganymede 13 corporate automated 33 nan jovian, space nan 2 1 TR per 1 player jovian tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 189
Titanium Mine 14 corporate automated 7 nan building nan nan 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 6 2 190
Toll Station 17 corporate automated 12 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 opponent space tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 191
Towing a Comet 17 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 plant, 1 oxygen, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 6 2 192
Trans-Neptune Probe 3 corporate automated 6 nan science, space nan 1 nan nan nan nan nan 6 2 193
Trees N/A base automated 13 nan plant -4°C 1 3 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 194
Tropical Resort 5 corporate automated 13 2 HEAT building nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 6 2 195
Tundra Farming N/A base automated 16 nan plant -6°C 2 1 PLANT, 2 CREDIT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 6 2 196
Underground City -15 base automated 18 2 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 city nan nan nan nan 6 2 197
Underground Detonation 32 base active 6 nan building nan nan nan nan 10 credit 2 HEAT nan 6 2 198
Urbanized Area 2 base automated 10 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 city adjacent to at least 2 cities nan nan nan nan 6 2 199
Vesta Shipyard 15 corporate automated 15 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 6 2 200
Viral Enhancers 21 corporate active 9 nan science, microbe nan nan nan when playing a plant, microbe, or animal tag, (1 plant, or 1 microbe or 1 animal on card) nan nan nan 6 2 201
Virus 13 corporate event 1 nan microbe, event nan nan nan nan nan nan 2 animal or 5 plant 6 2 202
Water Import from Europa 48 base active 25 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag nan nan 12 credit (titanium may be spent) 1 ocean nan 6 2 203
Water Splitting Plant 48 base active 12 nan building 2 ocean nan nan nan 3 energy 1 oxygen nan 6 2 204
Wave Power N/A base automated 8 nan power 3 ocean 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 205
Windmills N/A base automated 6 nan power, building 7% oxygen 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 6 2 206
Worms N/A base automated 8 nan microbe 4% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 2 player microbe tag nan nan nan nan 6 2 207
Zeppelins N/A base automated 13 nan nan 5% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT per 1 city on mars nan nan nan nan 6 2 208

Full Game Evaluation

Now that all projects can be valued with a given generation and player count, they can be valued for a full game with a given player count.

▶ Methodology
First, the number of generations are set by the player_count argument. Each generation is looped through and valued with single_gen_full_db(), then forming a new column.


Title Value Gen1 Value Gen2 Value Gen3 Value Gen4 Value Gen5 Value Gen6 Value Gen7 Value Gen8 Value Gen9 Value Gen10 Value Gen11 Value Gen12 Value Gen13 Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Players Index
AI Central N/A N/A N/A 79 71 63 55 47 39 31 24 16 8 corporate active 21 1 ENERGY science, building 3 science tag 1 nan nan nan 2 draw nan 2 1
Acquired Company 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 -7 corporate automated 10 nan earth nan nan 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 2
Adaptation Technology 39 36 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 11 8 5 base active 12 nan science nan 1 nan global requirements +/- 2 nan nan nan 2 3
Adapted Lichen 28 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 0 -3 -6 base automated 9 nan plant nan nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 4
Advanced Alloys 27 27 26 26 25 24 22 19 16 12 8 3 -4 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan steel and titanium are each worth 1 credit extra nan nan nan 2 5
Advanced Ecosystems N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 17 20 23 26 29 33 36 39 base automated 11 nan plant, microbe, animal 1 plant tag, 1 microbe tag, and 1 animal tag 3 nan nan nan nan nan 2 6
Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid 81 74 66 59 51 43 35 28 20 12 4 -3 -11 base event 26 nan space, event nan nan 2 microbe on other card, 3 HEAT, 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 7
Algae N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 16 10 4 -1 base automated 10 nan plant 5 ocean nan 1 plant, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 8
Anti-Gravity Technology N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 52 50 43 corporate active 14 nan science 7 science tag 3 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 9
Ants N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 56 49 40 30 18 5 base active 9 nan microbe 4% oxygen 1 per 2 microbe on card nan nan remove 1 microbe from any card 1 microbe on card 1 microbe per turn (active) 2 10
Aquifer Pumping 62 62 62 62 52 52 52 42 32 22 12 2 -8 base active 18 nan building nan nan nan nan 8 credit (steel may be spent) 1 ocean nan 2 11
Archaebacteria 31 28 26 23 20 17 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 6 nan microbe max -18°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 12
Arctic Algae 43 37 37 37 31 31 31 31 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 12 nan plant max -12°C nan 1 plant when an ocean is placed, 2 plant nan nan nan 2 13
Artificial Lake N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 16 17 18 base automated 15 nan building -6°C 1 1 ocean on land site nan nan nan nan 2 14
Artificial Photosynthesis 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 -6 -9 base automated 12 nan science nan nan 1 PLANT or 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 15
Asteroid 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 base event 14 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 2 titanium nan nan nan 3 plant 2 16
Asteroid Mining 48 45 41 38 34 30 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 base automated 30 nan jovian, space nan 2 2 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 17
Asteroid Mining Consortium 62 57 53 48 43 38 33 28 23 18 14 9 4 corporate automated 13 nan jovian 1 TITANIUM 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan 1 TITANIUM 2 18
Beam from a Thorium Asteroid N/A N/A 116 103 90 77 64 51 37 24 11 -2 -15 base automated 32 nan jovian, space, power 1 jovian tag 1 3 HEAT, 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 19
Big Asteroid 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 base event 27 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 4 titanium nan nan nan 4 plant 2 20
Biomass Combustors N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 12 2 -8 -18 base automated 4 nan power, building 6% oxygen -1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 PLANT 2 21
Birds N/A N/A N/A 166 153 140 125 109 91 73 54 34 12 base active 10 nan animal 13% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 2 PLANT 2 22
Black Polar Dust 40 37 34 30 27 24 20 17 14 11 8 4 1 base automated 15 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 3 HEAT, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 23
Breathing Filters N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 16 18 20 22 base automated 11 nan science 7% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 2 24
Bribed Committee 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan -2 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 25
Building Industries 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 26
Bushes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 13 7 2 base automated 10 nan plant -10°C nan 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 27
Business Contacts 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan nan 4 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 2 28
Business Network 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 corporate active 4 1 CREDIT earth nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 2 29
CEO’s Favorite Project 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan Add 1 resource to a card with at least 1 resource on it nan nan nan nan 2 30
Callisto Penal Mines 21 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 corporate automated 24 nan jovian, space nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 31
Capital N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 19 23 27 30 base automated 26 2 ENERGY city, building 4 ocean 1 per 1 adjacent ocean 5 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 32
Carbonate Processing 21 19 16 14 12 10 8 5 3 1 -2 -4 -6 base automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 3 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 33
Caretaker Contract N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 0 corporate active 3 nan nan 0°C nan nan nan 8 heat 1 TR nan 2 34
Cartel 0 2 4 6 7 7 7 6 5 4 1 -1 -4 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 2 35
Cloud Seeding N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 26 20 13 7 0 -6 base automated 11 1 CREDIT nan 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan 1 HEAT 2 36
Colonizer Training Camp -2 1 3 6 8 10 13 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 8 nan jovian, building max 5% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 2 37
Comet 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 base event 21 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 1 ocean nan nan nan 3 plant 2 38
Commercial District 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 corporate automated 16 1 ENERGY building nan 1 per 1 adjacent city 4 CREDIT, special tile nan nan nan nan 2 39
Convoy From Europa 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 base event 15 nan space, event nan nan 1 ocean, 1 draw nan nan nan nan 2 40
Corporate Stronghold -2 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 corporate automated 11 1 ENERGY city, building nan -2 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 41
Cupola City -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 16 1 ENERGY city, building max 9% oxygen nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 42
Decomposers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 15 13 11 8 4 0 base active 5 nan microbe 3% oxygen 1 per 3 microbe on card nan when playing an animal, plant, or microbe tag, 1 microbe to card nan nan nan 2 43
Deep Well Heating 37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 base automated 13 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 2 44
Deimos Down 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 3 temp, 4 steel nan nan nan 8 plant 2 45
Designed Microorganisms 59 53 47 42 36 30 24 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 16 nan science, microbe max -14°C nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 46
Development Center 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 -2 -5 -8 corporate active 11 nan science, building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 draw nan 2 47
Domed Crater 3 5 7 10 12 14 16 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 24 1 ENERGY city, building max 7% oxygen 1 3 plant, 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 48
Dust Seals 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 2 nan nan max 3 ocean 1 nan nan nan nan nan 2 49
Earth Catapult 50 49 49 48 47 45 43 40 37 33 29 25 17 corporate active 23 nan earth nan 2 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 50
Earth Office 16 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 0 corporate active 1 nan earth nan nan nan cards with an earth tag cost 3 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 51
Ecological Zone 2 6 9 10 11 12 11 10 8 6 3 -1 -5 base active 12 nan animal, plant player’s 1 greenery tile 1 per 2 animal on card special tile adjacent to any greenery when playing an animal or plant tag, 1 animal to card nan nan nan 2 52
Electro Catapult 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A corporate active 17 1 ENERGY building max 8% oxygen 1 nan nan 1 plant or 1 steel 7 credit nan 2 53
Energy Saving 14 18 21 23 28 31 32 36 33 26 16 2 -15 base automated 15 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 54
Energy Tapping 66 59 51 44 37 30 23 16 9 2 -6 -13 -20 corporate automated 3 nan power nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 2 55
Eos Chasma National Park N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 24 24 24 24 base automated 16 nan plant, building -12°C 1 1 animal on other card, 3 plant, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 56
Equatorial Magnetizer 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 42 37 30 19 6 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 1 TR nan 2 57
Extreme Cold Fungus 113 106 99 90 82 73 64 54 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 13 nan microbe max -10°C nan nan nan nan 1 plant or 2 microbe on other card nan 2 58
Farming N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 36 31 base automated 16 nan plant +4°C 2 2 CREDIT, 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 59
Fish N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29 11 base active 9 nan animal +2°C 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 2 60
Flooding 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 -1 -2 base event 7 nan event nan -1 1 ocean nan nan nan 4 credit from owner of a tile adjacent to placed ocean 2 61
Food Factory 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 base automated 12 1 PLANT building nan 1 4 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 62
Fuel Factory 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 1 TITANIUM, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 63
Fueled Generators 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 base automated 1 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 64
Fusion Power N/A N/A 76 67 58 49 40 31 22 13 4 -5 -14 base automated 14 nan science, power, building 2 power tag nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 65
GHG Factories 37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 -3 -7 -11 base automated 11 1 ENERGY building nan nan 4 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 66
GHG Producing Bacteria N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 6 6 6 -8 -8 base active 8 nan science, microbe 4% oxygen nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 temp nan 2 67
Ganymede Colony -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 14 18 22 25 29 32 36 base automated 20 nan jovian, space, city nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 68
Gene Repair N/A N/A N/A 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 corporate automated 12 nan science 3 science tag 2 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 69
Geothermal Power 61 55 49 43 37 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 -11 base automated 11 nan power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 70
Giant Ice Asteroid 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 base event 36 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 2 ocean nan nan nan 6 plant 2 71
Giant Space Mirror 91 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19 10 1 -8 -17 base automated 17 nan power, space nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 72
Grass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 9 6 3 0 base automated 11 nan plant -16°C nan 1 PLANT, 3 plant nan nan nan nan 2 73
Great Dam N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 15 10 5 base automated 12 nan power, building 4 ocean 1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 74
Great Escarpment Consortium 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 -2 -6 corporate automated 6 nan nan 1 STEEL nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan 1 STEEL 2 75
Greenhouses -4 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 4 6 7 9 11 14 base automated 6 nan plant, building nan nan 1 plant per 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 76
Hackers 10 8 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 -9 -12 -14 -16 corporate automated 3 1 ENERGY nan nan -1 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 2 CREDIT 2 77
Heat Trappers 69 61 53 46 38 30 23 15 8 0 -8 -15 -23 base automated 6 nan power, building nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 2 HEAT 2 78
Heather N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 8 6 3 0 base automated 6 nan plant -14°C nan 1 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 79
Herbivores N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 22 20 15 8 base active 12 nan animal 8% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when placing a greenery tile, 1 animal on card nan nan 1 PLANT 2 80
Hired Raiders 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit nan nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit 2 81
Ice Asteroid 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 82
Ice Cap Melting N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 13 base event 5 nan event +2°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 83
Immigrant City -19 -17 -14 -11 -10 -8 -6 -5 -3 -1 2 6 11 base active 13 1 ENERGY, 2 CREDIT city, building nan nan 1 city when a city is built, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan 2 84
Immigration Shuttles 41 39 37 35 33 30 28 26 23 20 18 15 13 base automated 31 nan earth, space nan 1 per 3 city on board 5 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 85
Import of Advanced GHG 33 30 26 22 19 16 12 8 5 2 -2 -6 -9 base event 9 nan earth, space, event nan nan 2 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 86
Imported GHG 19 18 16 14 12 10 9 7 5 4 2 0 -2 base event 7 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 HEAT, 3 heat nan nan nan nan 2 87
Imported Hydrogen 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 27 base event 16 nan earth, space, event nan nan 3 plant or 3 microbe on other card or 2 animal on other card, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 88
Imported Nitrogen 19 22 25 28 30 33 35 37 39 42 44 46 48 base event 23 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 TR, 4 plant, 3 microbe on other card, 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 89
Indentured Workers 5 4 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9 corporate event 0 nan event nan -1 the next card played by player costs 8 credit fewer nan nan nan nan 2 90
Industrial Center 79 62 47 34 23 14 7 2 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 corporate active 4 nan building nan nan special tile adjacent to any city nan 7 credit 1 STEEL nan 2 91
Industrial Microbes 48 43 38 33 28 23 18 13 8 3 -2 -7 -12 base automated 12 nan microbe, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 92
Insects N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 52 44 35 22 8 base automated 9 nan microbe 6% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 1 player plant tag nan nan nan nan 2 93
Insulation -17 -21 -23 -25 -26 -25 -24 -21 -17 -12 -7 0 9 base automated 2 x HEAT nan nan nan x CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 94
Interstellar Colony Ship N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 26 30 34 38 43 corporate event 24 nan earth, space, event 5 science tag 4 nan nan nan nan nan 2 95
Invention Contest 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 corporate event 2 nan science, event nan nan 3 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 2 96
Inventor’s Guild 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 2 97
Investment Loan -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 corporate event 3 1 CREDIT earth, event nan nan 10 credit nan nan nan nan 2 98
Io Mining Industries 68 64 60 56 52 48 43 39 35 30 26 21 17 corporate automated 41 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 2 TITANIUM, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 99
Ironworks 69 64 58 53 47 41 34 28 22 15 9 2 -4 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 steel, 1 oxygen nan 2 100
Kelp Farming N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 35 26 16 base automated 17 nan plant 6 ocean 1 2 CREDIT, 3 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 101
LaGrange Observatory 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 corporate automated 9 nan science, space nan 1 1 draw nan nan nan nan 2 102
Lake Marineris N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 49 51 base automated 18 nan nan 0°C 2 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 103
Land Claim 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan mark a site where only you can build nan nan nan nan 2 104
Large Convoy 15 17 23 29 34 40 45 51 56 61 67 72 77 base event 36 nan earth, space, event nan 2 1 ocean, 2 draw, 5 plant or 4 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 105
Lava Flows 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 base event 18 nan event nan nan 2 temp, special tile on volcano site nan nan nan nan 2 106
Lichen N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 13 10 7 4 2 -1 -4 base automated 7 nan plant -24°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 107
Lightning Harvest N/A N/A N/A 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 16 13 10 base automated 8 nan power 3 science tag 1 1 ENERGY, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 108
Livestock N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 44 31 17 3 base active 13 1 PLANT animal 9% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 2 CREDIT nan nan 1 animal on card nan 2 109
Local Heat Trapping 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 base event 1 5 heat event nan nan 4 plant or 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 110
Lunar Beam 75 68 60 52 45 38 30 22 15 8 0 -8 -15 base automated 13 2 CREDIT earth, power nan nan 2 HEAT, 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 111
Magnetic Field Dome -24 -21 -18 -14 -11 -8 -5 -1 2 5 8 11 15 base automated 5 2 ENERGY building nan nan 1 PLANT, 1 TR nan nan nan nan 2 112
Magnetic Field Generator -44 -37 -30 -23 -16 -9 -3 4 10 16 23 29 36 base automated 20 4 ENERGY building nan nan 2 PLANT, 3 TR nan nan nan nan 2 113
Mangrove N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 28 29 base automated 12 nan plant +4°C 1 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 114
Mars University 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 corporate active 8 nan science, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, may discard a card for 1 draw nan nan nan 2 115
Martian Rails -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -4 -6 -9 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 credit per 1 city on mars nan 2 116
Mass Converter N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 92 72 52 33 13 -6 corporate active 8 nan science, power 5 science tag nan 6 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 117
Media Archives -4 -3 -2 0 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 credit per 1 event played by all players nan nan nan nan 2 118
Media Group 22 20 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 0 -2 -4 corporate active 6 nan earth nan nan nan 3 credit after playing an event card nan nan nan 2 119
Medical Lab 11 19 25 29 33 35 36 35 33 30 26 20 13 corporate automated 13 nan science, building nan 1 1 CREDIT per 2 player building tag nan nan nan nan 2 120
Methane from Titan N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 54 47 40 32 25 18 11 base automated 28 nan jovian, space 2% oxygen 2 2 HEAT, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 121
Micro-Mills 18 16 14 13 11 9 8 6 4 2 0 -1 -3 base automated 3 nan nan nan nan 1 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 122
Mine 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 123
Mineral Deposit 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 corporate event 5 nan event nan nan 5 steel nan nan nan nan 2 124
Mining Area 29 27 24 22 19 17 14 12 9 7 4 2 -1 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan special tile on site with steel/titanium bonus and adjacent to player tile, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 2 125
Mining Expedition 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 base event 12 nan event nan nan 1 oxygen, 2 steel nan nan nan 2 plant 2 126
Mining Rights 24 22 19 17 14 12 9 7 4 2 -1 -3 -6 base automated 9 nan building nan nan special tile on a site with steel/titanium bonus, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 2 127
Miranda Resort -1 3 6 9 11 12 13 14 14 13 12 10 8 corporate automated 12 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 2 128
Mohole Area 68 61 54 47 40 33 26 19 12 5 -2 -9 -16 base automated 20 nan building nan nan 4 HEAT, special tile on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 129
Moss N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 8 5 2 -1 -4 base automated 4 1 plant plant 3 ocean nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 130
Natural Preserve 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 9 nan science, building max 4% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT, special tile next to no other tile nan nan nan nan 2 131
Nitrite Reducing Bacteria 50 35 36 37 37 21 22 22 22 5 6 6 6 base active 11 nan microbe nan nan 3 microbe on card nan none/remove 3 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 TR nan 2 132
Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid 51 48 46 44 41 107 96 85 73 62 51 39 28 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 4 PLANT if 3 player plant tag or 1 PLANT, 2 TR, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 2 133
Nitrophilic Moss N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 15 9 4 -2 -8 base automated 8 2 plant plant 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 134
Noctis City 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 base automated 18 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city on the reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 135
Noctis Farming N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 13 13 13 13 13 base automated 10 nan plant, building -20°C 1 1 CREDIT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 136
Nuclear Power 72 65 58 51 44 37 30 23 16 9 2 -5 -12 base automated 10 2 CREDIT power, building nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 137
Nuclear Zone 14 11 9 7 4 2 0 -2 -4 -7 -9 -11 -13 base automated 10 nan earth nan -2 2 temp, special tile nan nan nan nan 2 138
Olympus Conference 18 17 17 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 corporate active 10 nan science, earth, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, either add 1 resource to card or remove 1 resource to draw 1 nan nan nan 2 139
Open City N/A N/A N/A 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 base automated 23 1 ENERGY city, building 12% oxygen 1 4 CREDIT, 2 plant, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 140
Optimal Aerobraking 28 25 23 20 17 15 12 9 6 4 1 -2 -4 base active 7 nan space nan nan nan 3 credit, 3 heat after paying for a space event nan nan nan 2 141
Ore Processor 80 74 67 61 54 47 39 32 25 17 10 2 -5 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 titanium, 1 oxygen nan 2 142
Permafrost Extraction N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 10 10 10 10 base event 8 nan event -8°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 143
Peroxide Power 52 47 42 37 32 27 22 17 12 7 2 -3 -8 base automated 7 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 144
Pets 3 7 12 15 19 21 22 24 22 20 18 16 12 base active 10 nan earth, animal nan 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when a city is built, 1 animal on card, animals cannot be removed from card nan nan nan 2 145
Phobos Space Haven 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 base automated 25 nan space, city nan 3 1 TITANIUM, 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 146
Physics Complex 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 48 43 37 28 16 3 corporate active 12 nan science, building nan 2 per 1 resource on card nan nan 6 energy 1 resource on card nan 2 147
Plantation N/A 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 base automated 15 nan plant 2 science tag nan 1 greenery nan nan nan nan 2 148
Power Grid 29 42 52 59 63 64 61 56 47 36 21 3 -18 base automated 18 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 player power tag nan nan nan nan 2 149
Power Infrastructure -88 -81 -74 -67 -60 -53 -46 -39 -32 -25 -18 -11 -4 corporate active 4 nan power, building nan nan nan nan x energy x credit nan 2 150
Power Plant 32 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 base automated 4 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 151
Power Supply Consortium N/A N/A 55 49 43 37 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 corporate automated 5 nan power 2 power tag nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 2 152
Predators N/A N/A N/A 107 113 115 112 105 95 80 62 41 15 base active 14 nan animal 11% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan remove 1 animal from any card 1 animal on card 1 animal per turn (active) 2 153
Protected Habitat 36 35 33 30 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 0 -3 corporate active 5 nan nan nan nan nan opponents may not remove player plant, animal, or microbe nan nan nan 2 154
Protected Valley 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 base automated 23 nan plant, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 155
Quantum Extractor N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 84 70 57 43 29 16 2 -11 corporate active 13 nan science, power 4 science tag nan 4 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 156
Rad-Chem Factory -14 -10 -7 -3 0 3 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 base automated 8 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 157
Rad-Suits N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 corporate automated 6 nan nan any 2 city 1 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 158
Regolith Eaters 48 49 34 35 35 19 20 20 3 3 4 -13 -13 base active 13 nan science, microbe nan nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 oxygen nan 2 159
Release of Inert Gases 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 base event 14 nan event nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 160
Research 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 corporate automated 11 nan 2 science nan 1 2 draw nan nan nan nan 2 161
Research Outpost 28 26 26 25 25 24 23 21 19 17 15 13 10 base active 18 nan science, city, building nan nan 1 city next to no other tile cards cost 1 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 162
Restricted Area 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 -1 -5 corporate active 11 nan science nan nan special tile nan 2 credit 1 draw nan 2 163
Robotic Workforce 18 16 14 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -4 -6 -8 corporate automated 9 nan science nan nan copy the immediate benefit of player card with building tag nan nan nan nan 2 164
Rover Construction -14 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 base active 8 nan building nan 1 nan when a city is built, 2 credit nan nan nan 2 165
Sabotage 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan nan nan nan nan 3 titanium or 4 steel or 7 credit 2 166
Satellites 6 10 14 16 18 19 19 17 15 12 8 3 -3 corporate automated 10 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player space tag nan nan nan nan 2 167
Search for Life 6 9 12 13 14 14 14 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 3 nan science max 6% oxygen 3 if at least 1 resource on card nan nan 1 credit reveal 1, if it has microbe tag, 1 resource on card nan 2 168
Security Fleet 81 81 79 77 73 68 61 54 46 36 26 14 2 corporate active 12 nan space nan 1 per 1 resource on card nan nan 1 titanium 1 resource on card nan 2 169
Shuttles N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 9 9 9 10 10 base active 10 1 ENERGY space 5% oxygen 1 2 CREDIT cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 170
Small Animals N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 36 26 16 5 base active 6 nan animal 6% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 2 171
Soil Factory -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 base automated 9 1 ENERGY building nan 1 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 172
Solar Power 28 26 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 10 8 6 base automated 11 nan power, building nan 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 173
Solar Wind Power 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 -2 -5 base automated 11 nan science, space, power nan nan 1 ENERGY, 2 titanium nan nan nan nan 2 174
Soletta 112 100 88 75 63 51 38 26 14 2 -10 -23 -35 base automated 35 nan space nan nan 7 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 175
Space Elevator 54 51 47 44 40 36 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 corporate active 27 nan space, building nan 2 1 TITANIUM nan 1 steel 5 credit nan 2 176
Space Mirrors 152 123 97 74 54 37 23 12 4 -1 -3 -3 -3 base active 3 nan power, space nan nan nan nan 7 credit 1 ENERGY nan 2 177
Space Station 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 corporate active 10 nan space nan 1 nan cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 178
Special Design 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 base event 4 nan science, event nan nan global requirements +/- 2 for next card played nan nan nan nan 2 179
Sponsors 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 corporate automated 6 nan earth nan nan 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 180
Standard Technology 3 3 1 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -4 corporate active 6 nan science nan nan nan 3 credit after paying for a standard project nan nan nan 2 181
Steelworks 91 84 76 69 61 53 44 36 28 19 11 2 -6 base active 15 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 2 steel, 1 oxygen nan 2 182
Strip Mine 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 base automated 25 2 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 TITANIUM, 2 oxygen nan nan nan nan 2 183
Subterranean Reservoir 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 base event 11 nan event nan nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 184
Symbiotic Fungus N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 14 8 2 base active 4 nan microbe -14°C nan nan nan nan 1 microbe on other card nan 2 185
Tardigrades 29 28 27 26 24 22 20 17 14 11 8 4 0 corporate active 4 nan microbe nan 1 per 4 microbe on card nan nan nan 1 microbe on card nan 2 186
Technology Demonstration 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 corporate event 5 nan science, space, event nan nan 2 draw nan nan nan nan 2 187
Tectonic Stress Power N/A 85 78 70 62 54 46 38 30 22 15 7 -1 base automated 18 nan power, building 2 science tag 1 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 188
Terraforming Ganymede -18 -11 -5 1 7 13 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 corporate automated 33 nan jovian, space nan 2 1 TR per 1 player jovian tag nan nan nan nan 2 189
Titanium Mine 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 -7 corporate automated 7 nan building nan nan 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 190
Toll Station 4 8 12 14 16 17 17 15 13 10 6 1 -5 corporate automated 12 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 opponent space tag nan nan nan nan 2 191
Towing a Comet 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 plant, 1 oxygen, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 192
Trans-Neptune Probe -3 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 corporate automated 6 nan science, space nan 1 nan nan nan nan nan 2 193
Trees N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 30 23 15 base automated 13 nan plant -4°C 1 3 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 194
Tropical Resort -10 -7 -4 -1 2 5 8 10 13 15 18 21 23 corporate automated 13 2 HEAT building nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 195
Tundra Farming N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33 31 28 25 base automated 16 nan plant -6°C 2 1 PLANT, 2 CREDIT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 196
Underground City -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 base automated 18 2 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 197
Underground Detonation 156 124 96 71 50 32 17 6 -2 -6 -6 -6 -6 base active 6 nan building nan nan nan nan 10 credit 2 HEAT nan 2 198
Urbanized Area -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 base automated 10 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 city adjacent to at least 2 cities nan nan nan nan 2 199
Vesta Shipyard 24 22 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 6 4 2 corporate automated 15 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 200
Viral Enhancers 26 26 26 25 23 21 19 16 13 9 5 1 -4 corporate active 9 nan science, microbe nan nan nan when playing a plant, microbe, or animal tag, (1 plant, or 1 microbe or 1 animal on card) nan nan nan 2 201
Virus 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 16 18 19 21 22 24 corporate event 1 nan microbe, event nan nan nan nan nan nan 2 animal or 5 plant 2 202
Water Import from Europa 34 38 42 46 44 48 51 49 47 44 42 39 37 base active 25 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag nan nan 12 credit (titanium may be spent) 1 ocean nan 2 203
Water Splitting Plant N/A N/A N/A 62 55 48 40 33 26 18 11 3 -4 base active 12 nan building 2 ocean nan nan nan 3 energy 1 oxygen nan 2 204
Wave Power N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 16 14 13 11 9 base automated 8 nan power 3 ocean 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 205
Windmills N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 16 15 13 11 base automated 6 nan power, building 7% oxygen 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 206
Worms N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 14 11 8 3 -2 base automated 8 nan microbe 4% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 2 player microbe tag nan nan nan nan 2 207
Zeppelins N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 19 19 19 17 14 11 base automated 13 nan nan 5% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT per 1 city on mars nan nan nan nan 2 208

Correlation Test

Now that values are collated, they can be checked for correlation with the final scores of the games in in_depth_games. While five data points are too few to make a strong prediction, a sense can be gained of whether the valuation coincides with actual gameplay.

For each game, the total credit values of all projects played by each player are compared to the final scores to see if the player with the higher total credit value was the player who won and if so, how close were the ratios between total credit values and final scores.

▶ Methodology
First the player count and game length are determined, and then the number of generations the game lasted is compressed to fit the average number for that player count. The final scores are grabbed from the last two rows of the DataFrame, then each row is looped through with apply() and if a project was played then it's value for the generation in which it was played is added to the total credit value of the player who played it.

After the total credit values of both players have been calculated, they are compared to the final scores to determine whether the winner of the game was the player who had a higher total credit value. If so, the total credit value ratio is compared with the final score ratio to determine how closely the two factors align.


Corellation between total project values and final scores for each game in in_depth_games:

Game 1:

    Player 1 total project value: 705
    Player 2 total project value: 946
    Ratio: 0.75

    Player 1 final score: 104
    Player 2 final score: 127
    Ratio: 0.82
    This game supports the assessment. 
    There is 8.92% difference between the two ratios.
Game 2:

    Player 1 total project value: 957
    Player 2 total project value: 1056
    Ratio: 0.91

    Player 1 final score: 110
    Player 2 final score: 164
    Ratio: 0.67
    This game supports the assessment. 
    There is 30.38% difference between the two ratios.
Game 3:

    Player 1 total project value: 884
    Player 2 total project value: 948
    Ratio: 0.93

    Player 1 final score: 162
    Player 2 final score: 110
    Ratio: 1.47
    This game doesn't support the assessment
Game 4:

    Player 1 total project value: 1234
    Player 2 total project value: 825
    Ratio: 1.5

    Player 1 final score: 147
    Player 2 final score: 124
    Ratio: 1.19
    This game supports the assessment. 
    There is 23.05% difference between the two ratios.
Game 5:

    Player 1 total project value: 1139
    Player 2 total project value: 947
    Ratio: 1.2

    Player 1 final score: 180
    Player 2 final score: 136
    Ratio: 1.32
    This game supports the assessment. 
    There is 9.52% difference between the two ratios.

Line Graphs

For each project, the values over the course of a game are plotted on a line. If prerequisites are observed, projects will have "N/A" in the place of any generation where the project is found to be ineligible.


Highest and Lowest Values per Gen

A DataFrame is presented with the most and least valuable projects for each generation with a given player count.

▶ Methodology
First the number of generations is set based on the player count, and then the empty DataFrame min_and_max_values is created. all_gens_full_db() is called and then the following two projects are removed: "Insulation", and "Power Infrastructure". Due to the fact that the value of these two projects is purely contextual, they will always carry a negative value, which skews the results.

The generations are looped through and the highest and lowest value projects for each are added to min_and_max_values.


Generation Highest Value Lowest Value
1 Underground Detonation (156) Magnetic Field Generator (-44)
2 Underground Detonation (124) Magnetic Field Generator (-37)
3 Extreme Cold Fungus (99) Magnetic Field Generator (-30)
4 Extreme Cold Fungus (90) Magnetic Field Generator (-23)
5 Extreme Cold Fungus (82) Underground City (-18)
6 Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid (107) Underground City (-15)
7 Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid (96) Underground City (-12)
8 Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid (85) Corporate Stronghold (-12)
9 Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid (73) Corporate Stronghold (-13)
10 Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid (62) Corporate Stronghold (-14)
11 Large Convoy (67) Corporate Stronghold (-15)
12 Large Convoy (72) Soletta (-23)
13 Large Convoy (77) Soletta (-35)

Value Ranges

A DataFrame is presented with the range of values over the course of a game for each project.

▶ Methodology
The number of generations is determined by the player count then the full project DataFrame is looped through and the range in values is determined for each project and added as a new column. Finally the project with the highest range is returned.


Value ranges for a 2 player game:
Title Value_Range Value Gen1 Value Gen2 Value Gen3 Value Gen4 Value Gen5 Value Gen6 Value Gen7 Value Gen8 Value Gen9 Value Gen10 Value Gen11 Value Gen12 Value Gen13 Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Players Index
Underground Detonation 162 156 124 96 71 50 32 17 6 -2 -6 -6 -6 -6 base active 6 nan building nan nan nan nan 10 credit 2 HEAT nan 2 198
Space Mirrors 155 152 123 97 74 54 37 23 12 4 -1 -3 -3 -3 base active 3 nan power, space nan nan nan nan 7 credit 1 ENERGY nan 2 177
Birds 154 N/A N/A N/A 166 153 140 125 109 91 73 54 34 12 base active 10 nan animal 13% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 2 PLANT 2 22
Soletta 147 112 100 88 75 63 51 38 26 14 2 -10 -23 -35 base automated 35 nan space nan nan 7 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 175
Beam from a Thorium Asteroid 131 N/A N/A 116 103 90 77 64 51 37 24 11 -2 -15 base automated 32 nan jovian, space, power 1 jovian tag 1 3 HEAT, 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 19
Giant Space Mirror 108 91 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19 10 1 -8 -17 base automated 17 nan power, space nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 72
Predators 100 N/A N/A N/A 107 113 115 112 105 95 80 62 41 15 base active 14 nan animal 11% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan remove 1 animal from any card 1 animal on card 1 animal per turn (active) 2 153
Mass Converter 98 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 92 72 52 33 13 -6 corporate active 8 nan science, power 5 science tag nan 6 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 117
Steelworks 97 91 84 76 69 61 53 44 36 28 19 11 2 -6 base active 15 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 2 steel, 1 oxygen nan 2 182
Quantum Extractor 95 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 84 70 57 43 29 16 2 -11 corporate active 13 nan science, power 4 science tag nan 4 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 156
Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid 92 81 74 66 59 51 43 35 28 20 12 4 -3 -11 base event 26 nan space, event nan nan 2 microbe on other card, 3 HEAT, 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 7
Heat Trappers 92 69 61 53 46 38 30 23 15 8 0 -8 -15 -23 base automated 6 nan power, building nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 2 HEAT 2 78
Lunar Beam 90 75 68 60 52 45 38 30 22 15 8 0 -8 -15 base automated 13 2 CREDIT earth, power nan nan 2 HEAT, 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 111
Fusion Power 90 N/A N/A 76 67 58 49 40 31 22 13 4 -5 -14 base automated 14 nan science, power, building 2 power tag nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 65
Tectonic Stress Power 86 N/A 85 78 70 62 54 46 38 30 22 15 7 -1 base automated 18 nan power, building 2 science tag 1 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 188
Energy Tapping 86 66 59 51 44 37 30 23 16 9 2 -6 -13 -20 corporate automated 3 nan power nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 2 55
Ore Processor 85 80 74 67 61 54 47 39 32 25 17 10 2 -5 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 titanium, 1 oxygen nan 2 142
Mohole Area 84 68 61 54 47 40 33 26 19 12 5 -2 -9 -16 base automated 20 nan building nan nan 4 HEAT, special tile on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 129
Nuclear Power 84 72 65 58 51 44 37 30 23 16 9 2 -5 -12 base automated 10 2 CREDIT power, building nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 137
Power Infrastructure 84 -88 -81 -74 -67 -60 -53 -46 -39 -32 -25 -18 -11 -4 corporate active 4 nan power, building nan nan nan nan x energy x credit nan 2 150
Power Grid 82 29 42 52 59 63 64 61 56 47 36 21 3 -18 base automated 18 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 player power tag nan nan nan nan 2 149
Industrial Center 81 79 62 47 34 23 14 7 2 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 corporate active 4 nan building nan nan special tile adjacent to any city nan 7 credit 1 STEEL nan 2 91
Magnetic Field Generator 80 -44 -37 -30 -23 -16 -9 -3 4 10 16 23 29 36 base automated 20 4 ENERGY building nan nan 2 PLANT, 3 TR nan nan nan nan 2 113
Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid 79 51 48 46 44 41 107 96 85 73 62 51 39 28 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 4 PLANT if 3 player plant tag or 1 PLANT, 2 TR, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 2 133
Security Fleet 79 81 81 79 77 73 68 61 54 46 36 26 14 2 corporate active 12 nan space nan 1 per 1 resource on card nan nan 1 titanium 1 resource on card nan 2 169
Terraforming Ganymede 74 -18 -11 -5 1 7 13 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 corporate automated 33 nan jovian, space nan 2 1 TR per 1 player jovian tag nan nan nan nan 2 189
Ironworks 73 69 64 58 53 47 41 34 28 22 15 9 2 -4 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 steel, 1 oxygen nan 2 100
Geothermal Power 72 61 55 49 43 37 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 -11 base automated 11 nan power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 70
AI Central 71 N/A N/A N/A 79 71 63 55 47 39 31 24 16 8 corporate active 21 1 ENERGY science, building 3 science tag 1 nan nan nan 2 draw nan 2 1
Aquifer Pumping 70 62 62 62 62 52 52 52 42 32 22 12 2 -8 base active 18 nan building nan nan nan nan 8 credit (steel may be spent) 1 ocean nan 2 11
Artificial Photosynthesis 69 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 -6 -9 base automated 12 nan science nan nan 1 PLANT or 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 15
Water Splitting Plant 66 N/A N/A N/A 62 55 48 40 33 26 18 11 3 -4 base active 12 nan building 2 ocean nan nan nan 3 energy 1 oxygen nan 2 204
Regolith Eaters 62 48 49 34 35 35 19 20 20 3 3 4 -13 -13 base active 13 nan science, microbe nan nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 oxygen nan 2 159
Large Convoy 62 15 17 23 29 34 40 45 51 56 61 67 72 77 base event 36 nan earth, space, event nan 2 1 ocean, 2 draw, 5 plant or 4 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 105
Power Supply Consortium 60 N/A N/A 55 49 43 37 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 corporate automated 5 nan power 2 power tag nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 2 152
Peroxide Power 60 52 47 42 37 32 27 22 17 12 7 2 -3 -8 base automated 7 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 144
Industrial Microbes 60 48 43 38 33 28 23 18 13 8 3 -2 -7 -12 base automated 12 nan microbe, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 92
Extreme Cold Fungus 59 113 106 99 90 82 73 64 54 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 13 nan microbe max -10°C nan nan nan nan 1 plant or 2 microbe on other card nan 2 58
Asteroid Mining Consortium 58 62 57 53 48 43 38 33 28 23 18 14 9 4 corporate automated 13 nan jovian 1 TITANIUM 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan 1 TITANIUM 2 18
Ants 51 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 56 49 40 30 18 5 base active 9 nan microbe 4% oxygen 1 per 2 microbe on card nan nan remove 1 microbe from any card 1 microbe on card 1 microbe per turn (active) 2 10
Energy Saving 51 14 18 21 23 28 31 32 36 33 26 16 2 -15 base automated 15 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 54
Io Mining Industries 51 68 64 60 56 52 48 43 39 35 30 26 21 17 corporate automated 41 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 2 TITANIUM, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 99
Restricted Area 48 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 -1 -5 corporate active 11 nan science nan nan special tile nan 2 credit 1 draw nan 2 163
Great Escarpment Consortium 48 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 -2 -6 corporate automated 6 nan nan 1 STEEL nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan 1 STEEL 2 75
GHG Factories 48 37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 -3 -7 -11 base automated 11 1 ENERGY building nan nan 4 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 66
Physics Complex 48 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 48 43 37 28 16 3 corporate active 12 nan science, building nan 2 per 1 resource on card nan nan 6 energy 1 resource on card nan 2 147
Space Elevator 45 54 51 47 44 40 36 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 corporate active 27 nan space, building nan 2 1 TITANIUM nan 1 steel 5 credit nan 2 176
Ganymede Colony 45 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 14 18 22 25 29 32 36 base automated 20 nan jovian, space, city nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 68
Asteroid Mining 45 48 45 41 38 34 30 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 base automated 30 nan jovian, space nan 2 2 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 17
Nitrite Reducing Bacteria 45 50 35 36 37 37 21 22 22 22 5 6 6 6 base active 11 nan microbe nan nan 3 microbe on card nan none/remove 3 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 TR nan 2 132
Insects 44 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 52 44 35 22 8 base automated 9 nan microbe 6% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 1 player plant tag nan nan nan nan 2 93
Methane from Titan 43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 54 47 40 32 25 18 11 base automated 28 nan jovian, space 2% oxygen 2 2 HEAT, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 121
Import of Advanced GHG 42 33 30 26 22 19 16 12 8 5 2 -2 -6 -9 base event 9 nan earth, space, event nan nan 2 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 86
Livestock 41 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 44 31 17 3 base active 13 1 PLANT animal 9% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 2 CREDIT nan nan 1 animal on card nan 2 109
Designed Microorganisms 41 59 53 47 42 36 30 24 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 16 nan science, microbe max -14°C nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 46
Small Animals 40 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 36 26 16 5 base active 6 nan animal 6% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 2 171
Biomass Combustors 40 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 12 2 -8 -18 base automated 4 nan power, building 6% oxygen -1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 PLANT 2 21
Rad-Chem Factory 39 -14 -10 -7 -3 0 3 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 base automated 8 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 157
Protected Habitat 39 36 35 33 30 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 0 -3 corporate active 5 nan nan nan nan nan opponents may not remove player plant, animal, or microbe nan nan nan 2 154
Black Polar Dust 39 40 37 34 30 27 24 20 17 14 11 8 4 1 base automated 15 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 3 HEAT, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 23
Magnetic Field Dome 39 -24 -21 -18 -14 -11 -8 -5 -1 2 5 8 11 15 base automated 5 2 ENERGY building nan nan 1 PLANT, 1 TR nan nan nan nan 2 112
Equatorial Magnetizer 37 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 42 37 30 19 6 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 1 TR nan 2 57
Solar Wind Power 36 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 -2 -5 base automated 11 nan science, space, power nan nan 1 ENERGY, 2 titanium nan nan nan nan 2 174
Acquired Company 36 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 -7 corporate automated 10 nan earth nan nan 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 2
Underground City 36 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 base automated 18 2 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 197
Development Center 36 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 -2 -5 -8 corporate active 11 nan science, building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 draw nan 2 47
Deep Well Heating 36 37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 base automated 13 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 2 44
Power Plant 36 32 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 base automated 4 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 151
Titanium Mine 36 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 -7 corporate automated 7 nan building nan nan 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 190
Insulation 35 -17 -21 -23 -25 -26 -25 -24 -21 -17 -12 -7 0 9 base automated 2 x HEAT nan nan nan x CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 94
Adaptation Technology 34 39 36 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 11 8 5 base active 12 nan science nan 1 nan global requirements +/- 2 nan nan nan 2 3
Adapted Lichen 34 28 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 0 -3 -6 base automated 9 nan plant nan nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 4
Tropical Resort 33 -10 -7 -4 -1 2 5 8 10 13 15 18 21 23 corporate automated 13 2 HEAT building nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 195
Earth Catapult 33 50 49 49 48 47 45 43 40 37 33 29 25 17 corporate active 23 nan earth nan 2 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 50
Optimal Aerobraking 32 28 25 23 20 17 15 12 9 6 4 1 -2 -4 base active 7 nan space nan nan nan 3 credit, 3 heat after paying for a space event nan nan nan 2 141
Cloud Seeding 32 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 26 20 13 7 0 -6 base automated 11 1 CREDIT nan 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan 1 HEAT 2 36
Advanced Alloys 31 27 27 26 26 25 24 22 19 16 12 8 3 -4 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan steel and titanium are each worth 1 credit extra nan nan nan 2 5
Mining Area 30 29 27 24 22 19 17 14 12 9 7 4 2 -1 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan special tile on site with steel/titanium bonus and adjacent to player tile, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 2 125
Mining Rights 30 24 22 19 17 14 12 9 7 4 2 -1 -3 -6 base automated 9 nan building nan nan special tile on a site with steel/titanium bonus, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 2 127
Immigrant City 30 -19 -17 -14 -11 -10 -8 -6 -5 -3 -1 2 6 11 base active 13 1 ENERGY, 2 CREDIT city, building nan nan 1 city when a city is built, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan 2 84
Viral Enhancers 30 26 26 26 25 23 21 19 16 13 9 5 1 -4 corporate active 9 nan science, microbe nan nan nan when playing a plant, microbe, or animal tag, (1 plant, or 1 microbe or 1 animal on card) nan nan nan 2 201
Nitrophilic Moss 29 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 15 9 4 -2 -8 base automated 8 2 plant plant 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 134
Rover Construction 29 -14 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 base active 8 nan building nan 1 nan when a city is built, 2 credit nan nan nan 2 165
Tardigrades 29 29 28 27 26 24 22 20 17 14 11 8 4 0 corporate active 4 nan microbe nan 1 per 4 microbe on card nan nan nan 1 microbe on card nan 2 186
Imported Nitrogen 29 19 22 25 28 30 33 35 37 39 42 44 46 48 base event 23 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 TR, 4 plant, 3 microbe on other card, 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 89
Kelp Farming 29 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 35 26 16 base automated 17 nan plant 6 ocean 1 2 CREDIT, 3 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 101
Immigration Shuttles 28 41 39 37 35 33 30 28 26 23 20 18 15 13 base automated 31 nan earth, space nan 1 per 3 city on board 5 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 85
GHG Producing Bacteria 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 6 6 6 -8 -8 base active 8 nan science, microbe 4% oxygen nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 temp nan 2 67
Nuclear Zone 27 14 11 9 7 4 2 0 -2 -4 -7 -9 -11 -13 base automated 10 nan earth nan -2 2 temp, special tile nan nan nan nan 2 138
Carbonate Processing 27 21 19 16 14 12 10 8 5 3 1 -2 -4 -6 base automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 3 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 33
Lightning Harvest 26 N/A N/A N/A 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 16 13 10 base automated 8 nan power 3 science tag 1 1 ENERGY, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 108
Advanced Ecosystems 26 N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 17 20 23 26 29 33 36 39 base automated 11 nan plant, microbe, animal 1 plant tag, 1 microbe tag, and 1 animal tag 3 nan nan nan nan nan 2 6
Robotic Workforce 26 18 16 14 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -4 -6 -8 corporate automated 9 nan science nan nan copy the immediate benefit of player card with building tag nan nan nan nan 2 164
Hackers 26 10 8 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 -9 -12 -14 -16 corporate automated 3 1 ENERGY nan nan -1 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 2 CREDIT 2 77
Media Group 26 22 20 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 0 -2 -4 corporate active 6 nan earth nan nan nan 3 credit after playing an event card nan nan nan 2 119
Medical Lab 25 11 19 25 29 33 35 36 35 33 30 26 20 13 corporate automated 13 nan science, building nan 1 1 CREDIT per 2 player building tag nan nan nan nan 2 120
Land Claim 24 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan mark a site where only you can build nan nan nan nan 2 104
Mine 24 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 123
Urbanized Area 24 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 base automated 10 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 city adjacent to at least 2 cities nan nan nan nan 2 199
Bribed Committee 24 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan -2 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 25
Sponsors 24 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 corporate automated 6 nan earth nan nan 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 180
Inventor’s Guild 24 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 2 97
Fueled Generators 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 base automated 1 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 64
Protected Valley 24 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 base automated 23 nan plant, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 155
Algae 23 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 16 10 4 -1 base automated 10 nan plant 5 ocean nan 1 plant, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 8
Interstellar Colony Ship 22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 26 30 34 38 43 corporate event 24 nan earth, space, event 5 science tag 4 nan nan nan nan nan 2 95
Solar Power 22 28 26 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 10 8 6 base automated 11 nan power, building nan 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 173
Satellites 22 6 10 14 16 18 19 19 17 15 12 8 3 -3 corporate automated 10 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player space tag nan nan nan nan 2 167
Symbiotic Fungus 22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 14 8 2 base active 4 nan microbe -14°C nan nan nan nan 1 microbe on other card nan 2 185
Bushes 22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 13 7 2 base automated 10 nan plant -10°C nan 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 27
Toll Station 22 4 8 12 14 16 17 17 15 13 10 6 1 -5 corporate automated 12 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 opponent space tag nan nan nan nan 2 191
Vesta Shipyard 22 24 22 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 6 4 2 corporate automated 15 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 200
Pets 21 3 7 12 15 19 21 22 24 22 20 18 16 12 base active 10 nan earth, animal nan 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when a city is built, 1 animal on card, animals cannot be removed from card nan nan nan 2 145
Micro-Mills 21 18 16 14 13 11 9 8 6 4 2 0 -1 -3 base automated 3 nan nan nan nan 1 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 122
Imported GHG 21 19 18 16 14 12 10 9 7 5 4 2 0 -2 base event 7 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 HEAT, 3 heat nan nan nan nan 2 87
Lichen 20 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 13 10 7 4 2 -1 -4 base automated 7 nan plant -24°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 107
Great Dam 19 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 15 10 5 base automated 12 nan power, building 4 ocean 1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 74
Worms 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 14 11 8 3 -2 base automated 8 nan microbe 4% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 2 player microbe tag nan nan nan nan 2 207
Fish 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29 11 base active 9 nan animal +2°C 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 2 60
Greenhouses 18 -4 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 4 6 7 9 11 14 base automated 6 nan plant, building nan nan 1 plant per 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 76
Research Outpost 18 28 26 26 25 25 24 23 21 19 17 15 13 10 base active 18 nan science, city, building nan nan 1 city next to no other tile cards cost 1 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 162
Archaebacteria 17 31 28 26 23 20 17 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 6 nan microbe max -18°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 12
Colonizer Training Camp 17 -2 1 3 6 8 10 13 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 8 nan jovian, building max 5% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 2 37
Water Import from Europa 17 34 38 42 46 44 48 51 49 47 44 42 39 37 base active 25 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag nan nan 12 credit (titanium may be spent) 1 ocean nan 2 203
Herbivores 17 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 22 20 15 8 base active 12 nan animal 8% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when placing a greenery tile, 1 animal on card nan nan 1 PLANT 2 80
Ecological Zone 17 2 6 9 10 11 12 11 10 8 6 3 -1 -5 base active 12 nan animal, plant player’s 1 greenery tile 1 per 2 animal on card special tile adjacent to any greenery when playing an animal or plant tag, 1 animal to card nan nan nan 2 52
Media Archives 17 -4 -3 -2 0 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 credit per 1 event played by all players nan nan nan nan 2 118
Decomposers 16 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 15 13 11 8 4 0 base active 5 nan microbe 3% oxygen 1 per 3 microbe on card nan when playing an animal, plant, or microbe tag, 1 microbe to card nan nan nan 2 43
Earth Office 16 16 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 0 corporate active 1 nan earth nan nan nan cards with an earth tag cost 3 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 51
Corporate Stronghold 15 -2 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 corporate automated 11 1 ENERGY city, building nan -2 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 41
Capital 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 19 23 27 30 base automated 26 2 ENERGY city, building 4 ocean 1 per 1 adjacent ocean 5 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 32
Domed Crater 15 3 5 7 10 12 14 16 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 24 1 ENERGY city, building max 7% oxygen 1 3 plant, 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 48
Soil Factory 15 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 base automated 9 1 ENERGY building nan 1 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 172
Miranda Resort 15 -1 3 6 9 11 12 13 14 14 13 12 10 8 corporate automated 12 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 2 128
Trees 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 30 23 15 base automated 13 nan plant -4°C 1 3 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 194
LaGrange Observatory 14 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 corporate automated 9 nan science, space nan 1 1 draw nan nan nan nan 2 102
Research 14 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 corporate automated 11 nan 2 science nan 1 2 draw nan nan nan nan 2 161
Flooding 14 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 -1 -2 base event 7 nan event nan -1 1 ocean nan nan nan 4 credit from owner of a tile adjacent to placed ocean 2 61
Trans-Neptune Probe 14 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 corporate automated 6 nan science, space nan 1 nan nan nan nan nan 2 193
Imported Hydrogen 14 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 27 base event 16 nan earth, space, event nan nan 3 plant or 3 microbe on other card or 2 animal on other card, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 88
Indentured Workers 14 5 4 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9 corporate event 0 nan event nan -1 the next card played by player costs 8 credit fewer nan nan nan nan 2 90
Moss 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 8 5 2 -1 -4 base automated 4 1 plant plant 3 ocean nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 130
Local Heat Trapping 13 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 base event 1 5 heat event nan nan 4 plant or 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 110
Investment Loan 12 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 corporate event 3 1 CREDIT earth, event nan nan 10 credit nan nan nan nan 2 98
Noctis City 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 base automated 18 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city on the reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 135
Arctic Algae 12 43 37 37 37 31 31 31 31 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 12 nan plant max -12°C nan 1 plant when an ocean is placed, 2 plant nan nan nan 2 13
Grass 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 9 6 3 0 base automated 11 nan plant -16°C nan 1 PLANT, 3 plant nan nan nan nan 2 73
Commercial District 12 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 corporate automated 16 1 ENERGY building nan 1 per 1 adjacent city 4 CREDIT, special tile nan nan nan nan 2 39
Business Network 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 corporate active 4 1 CREDIT earth nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 2 29
Building Industries 12 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 26
Fuel Factory 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 1 TITANIUM, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 63
Virus 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 16 18 19 21 22 24 corporate event 1 nan microbe, event nan nan nan nan nan nan 2 animal or 5 plant 2 202
Cartel 11 0 2 4 6 7 7 7 6 5 4 1 -1 -4 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 2 35
Heather 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 8 6 3 0 base automated 6 nan plant -14°C nan 1 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 79
CEO’s Favorite Project 10 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan Add 1 resource to a card with at least 1 resource on it nan nan nan nan 2 30
Open City 9 N/A N/A N/A 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 base automated 23 1 ENERGY city, building 12% oxygen 1 4 CREDIT, 2 plant, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 140
Olympus Conference 9 18 17 17 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 corporate active 10 nan science, earth, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, either add 1 resource to card or remove 1 resource to draw 1 nan nan nan 2 139
Strip Mine 9 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 base automated 25 2 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 TITANIUM, 2 oxygen nan nan nan nan 2 183
Callisto Penal Mines 9 21 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 corporate automated 24 nan jovian, space nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 31
Anti-Gravity Technology 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 52 50 43 corporate active 14 nan science 7 science tag 3 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 9
Wave Power 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 16 14 13 11 9 base automated 8 nan power 3 ocean 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 205
Tundra Farming 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33 31 28 25 base automated 16 nan plant -6°C 2 1 PLANT, 2 CREDIT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 196
Martian Rails 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -4 -6 -9 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 credit per 1 city on mars nan 2 116
Cupola City 8 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 16 1 ENERGY city, building max 9% oxygen nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 42
Breathing Filters 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 16 18 20 22 base automated 11 nan science 7% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 2 24
Search for Life 8 6 9 12 13 14 14 14 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 3 nan science max 6% oxygen 3 if at least 1 resource on card nan nan 1 credit reveal 1, if it has microbe tag, 1 resource on card nan 2 168
Zeppelins 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 19 19 19 17 14 11 base automated 13 nan nan 5% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT per 1 city on mars nan nan nan nan 2 208
Electro Catapult 7 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A corporate active 17 1 ENERGY building max 8% oxygen 1 nan nan 1 plant or 1 steel 7 credit nan 2 53
Dust Seals 7 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 2 nan nan max 3 ocean 1 nan nan nan nan nan 2 49
Windmills 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 16 15 13 11 base automated 6 nan power, building 7% oxygen 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 206
Standard Technology 7 3 3 1 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -4 corporate active 6 nan science nan nan nan 3 credit after paying for a standard project nan nan nan 2 181
Space Station 6 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 corporate active 10 nan space nan 1 nan cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 178
Phobos Space Haven 5 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 base automated 25 nan space, city nan 3 1 TITANIUM, 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 146
Farming 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 36 31 base automated 16 nan plant +4°C 2 2 CREDIT, 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 59
Release of Inert Gases 3 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 base event 14 nan event nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 160
Artificial Lake 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 16 17 18 base automated 15 nan building -6°C 1 1 ocean on land site nan nan nan nan 2 14
Mars University 2 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 corporate active 8 nan science, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, may discard a card for 1 draw nan nan nan 2 115
Lake Marineris 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 49 51 base automated 18 nan nan 0°C 2 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 103
Shuttles 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 9 9 9 10 10 base active 10 1 ENERGY space 5% oxygen 1 2 CREDIT cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 170
Caretaker Contract 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 0 corporate active 3 nan nan 0°C nan nan nan 8 heat 1 TR nan 2 34
Natural Preserve 1 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 9 nan science, building max 4% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT, special tile next to no other tile nan nan nan nan 2 131
Towing a Comet 1 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 plant, 1 oxygen, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 192
Mining Expedition 1 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 base event 12 nan event nan nan 1 oxygen, 2 steel nan nan nan 2 plant 2 126
Gene Repair 1 N/A N/A N/A 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 corporate automated 12 nan science 3 science tag 2 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 69
Rad-Suits 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 corporate automated 6 nan nan any 2 city 1 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 158
Mangrove 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 28 29 base automated 12 nan plant +4°C 1 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 114
Deimos Down 0 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 3 temp, 4 steel nan nan nan 8 plant 2 45
Permafrost Extraction 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 10 10 10 10 base event 8 nan event -8°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 143
Eos Chasma National Park 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 24 24 24 24 base automated 16 nan plant, building -12°C 1 1 animal on other card, 3 plant, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 56
Convoy From Europa 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 base event 15 nan space, event nan nan 1 ocean, 1 draw nan nan nan nan 2 40
Comet 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 base event 21 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 1 ocean nan nan nan 3 plant 2 38
Big Asteroid 0 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 base event 27 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 4 titanium nan nan nan 4 plant 2 20
Food Factory 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 base automated 12 1 PLANT building nan 1 4 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 62
Mineral Deposit 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 corporate event 5 nan event nan nan 5 steel nan nan nan nan 2 124
Giant Ice Asteroid 0 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 base event 36 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 2 ocean nan nan nan 6 plant 2 71
Noctis Farming 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 13 13 13 13 13 base automated 10 nan plant, building -20°C 1 1 CREDIT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 136
Sabotage 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan nan nan nan nan 3 titanium or 4 steel or 7 credit 2 166
Hired Raiders 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit nan nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit 2 81
Technology Demonstration 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 corporate event 5 nan science, space, event nan nan 2 draw nan nan nan nan 2 187
Ice Asteroid 0 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 82
Ice Cap Melting 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 13 base event 5 nan event +2°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 83
Subterranean Reservoir 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 base event 11 nan event nan nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 184
Invention Contest 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 corporate event 2 nan science, event nan nan 3 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 2 96
Plantation 0 N/A 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 base automated 15 nan plant 2 science tag nan 1 greenery nan nan nan nan 2 148
Business Contacts 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan nan 4 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 2 28
Special Design 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 base event 4 nan science, event nan nan global requirements +/- 2 for next card played nan nan nan nan 2 179
Lava Flows 0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 base event 18 nan event nan nan 2 temp, special tile on volcano site nan nan nan nan 2 106
Asteroid 0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 base event 14 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 2 titanium nan nan nan 3 plant 2 16

Value Ranges Histogram


Average Values

A DataFrame is presented with each project's average value over the course of a game.

▶ Methodology
The number of generations is determined by the player count then the full project DataFrame is looped through and the average value is determined for each project and added as a new column.


Average values for a 2 player game:
Title Average_Value Value Gen1 Value Gen2 Value Gen3 Value Gen4 Value Gen5 Value Gen6 Value Gen7 Value Gen8 Value Gen9 Value Gen10 Value Gen11 Value Gen12 Value Gen13 Game Type Primary_Cost Additional_Cost Tags Prerequisites Victory_Points Immediate_Benefit Passive_Benefit Active_Cost Active_Benefit Removed_from_Opponent Players Index
Birds 95 N/A N/A N/A 166 153 140 125 109 91 73 54 34 12 base active 10 nan animal 13% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 2 PLANT 2 22
Extreme Cold Fungus 85 113 106 99 90 82 73 64 54 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 13 nan microbe max -10°C nan nan nan nan 1 plant or 2 microbe on other card nan 2 58
Predators 84 N/A N/A N/A 107 113 115 112 105 95 80 62 41 15 base active 14 nan animal 11% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan remove 1 animal from any card 1 animal on card 1 animal per turn (active) 2 153
Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid 59 51 48 46 44 41 107 96 85 73 62 51 39 28 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 4 PLANT if 3 player plant tag or 1 PLANT, 2 TR, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 2 133
Security Fleet 53 81 81 79 77 73 68 61 54 46 36 26 14 2 corporate active 12 nan space nan 1 per 1 resource on card nan nan 1 titanium 1 resource on card nan 2 169
Beam from a Thorium Asteroid 50 N/A N/A 116 103 90 77 64 51 37 24 11 -2 -15 base automated 32 nan jovian, space, power 1 jovian tag 1 3 HEAT, 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 19
Lake Marineris 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 49 51 base automated 18 nan nan 0°C 2 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 103
Anti-Gravity Technology 48 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 52 50 43 corporate active 14 nan science 7 science tag 3 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 9
Large Convoy 45 15 17 23 29 34 40 45 51 56 61 67 72 77 base event 36 nan earth, space, event nan 2 1 ocean, 2 draw, 5 plant or 4 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 105
Giant Ice Asteroid 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 base event 36 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 2 ocean nan nan nan 6 plant 2 71
Water Import from Europa 43 34 38 42 46 44 48 51 49 47 44 42 39 37 base active 25 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag nan nan 12 credit (titanium may be spent) 1 ocean nan 2 203
Steelworks 43 91 84 76 69 61 53 44 36 28 19 11 2 -6 base active 15 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 2 steel, 1 oxygen nan 2 182
Space Mirrors 43 152 123 97 74 54 37 23 12 4 -1 -3 -3 -3 base active 3 nan power, space nan nan nan nan 7 credit 1 ENERGY nan 2 177
Io Mining Industries 43 68 64 60 56 52 48 43 39 35 30 26 21 17 corporate automated 41 nan jovian, space nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 2 TITANIUM, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 99
AI Central 43 N/A N/A N/A 79 71 63 55 47 39 31 24 16 8 corporate active 21 1 ENERGY science, building 3 science tag 1 nan nan nan 2 draw nan 2 1
Tectonic Stress Power 42 N/A 85 78 70 62 54 46 38 30 22 15 7 -1 base automated 18 nan power, building 2 science tag 1 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 188
Deimos Down 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 base event 31 nan space, event nan nan 3 temp, 4 steel nan nan nan 8 plant 2 45
Mass Converter 42 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 92 72 52 33 13 -6 corporate active 8 nan science, power 5 science tag nan 6 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 117
Underground Detonation 40 156 124 96 71 50 32 17 6 -2 -6 -6 -6 -6 base active 6 nan building nan nan nan nan 10 credit 2 HEAT nan 2 198
Physics Complex 40 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 48 43 37 28 16 3 corporate active 12 nan science, building nan 2 per 1 resource on card nan nan 6 energy 1 resource on card nan 2 147
Earth Catapult 39 50 49 49 48 47 45 43 40 37 33 29 25 17 corporate active 23 nan earth nan 2 nan cards cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 50
Power Grid 39 29 42 52 59 63 64 61 56 47 36 21 3 -18 base automated 18 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 player power tag nan nan nan nan 2 149
Designed Microorganisms 38 59 53 47 42 36 30 24 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 16 nan science, microbe max -14°C nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 46
Soletta 38 112 100 88 75 63 51 38 26 14 2 -10 -23 -35 base automated 35 nan space nan nan 7 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 175
Aquifer Pumping 38 62 62 62 62 52 52 52 42 32 22 12 2 -8 base active 18 nan building nan nan nan nan 8 credit (steel may be spent) 1 ocean nan 2 11
Ore Processor 38 80 74 67 61 54 47 39 32 25 17 10 2 -5 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 titanium, 1 oxygen nan 2 142
Giant Space Mirror 37 91 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19 10 1 -8 -17 base automated 17 nan power, space nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 72
Equatorial Magnetizer 36 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 42 37 30 19 6 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 1 TR nan 2 57
Quantum Extractor 36 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 84 70 57 43 29 16 2 -11 corporate active 13 nan science, power 4 science tag nan 4 ENERGY cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 156
Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid 35 81 74 66 59 51 43 35 28 20 12 4 -3 -11 base event 26 nan space, event nan nan 2 microbe on other card, 3 HEAT, 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 7
Imported Nitrogen 34 19 22 25 28 30 33 35 37 39 42 44 46 48 base event 23 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 TR, 4 plant, 3 microbe on other card, 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 89
Arctic Algae 34 43 37 37 37 31 31 31 31 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 12 nan plant max -12°C nan 1 plant when an ocean is placed, 2 plant nan nan nan 2 13
Ants 33 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 56 49 40 30 18 5 base active 9 nan microbe 4% oxygen 1 per 2 microbe on card nan nan remove 1 microbe from any card 1 microbe on card 1 microbe per turn (active) 2 10
Ironworks 33 69 64 58 53 47 41 34 28 22 15 9 2 -4 base active 11 nan building nan nan nan nan 4 energy 1 steel, 1 oxygen nan 2 100
Asteroid Mining Consortium 33 62 57 53 48 43 38 33 28 23 18 14 9 4 corporate automated 13 nan jovian 1 TITANIUM 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan 1 TITANIUM 2 18
Farming 33 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 36 31 base automated 16 nan plant +4°C 2 2 CREDIT, 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 59
Methane from Titan 32 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 54 47 40 32 25 18 11 base automated 28 nan jovian, space 2% oxygen 2 2 HEAT, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 121
Insects 32 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 52 44 35 22 8 base automated 9 nan microbe 6% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 1 player plant tag nan nan nan nan 2 93
Interstellar Colony Ship 32 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 26 30 34 38 43 corporate event 24 nan earth, space, event 5 science tag 4 nan nan nan nan nan 2 95
Space Elevator 32 54 51 47 44 40 36 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 corporate active 27 nan space, building nan 2 1 TITANIUM nan 1 steel 5 credit nan 2 176
Fusion Power 31 N/A N/A 76 67 58 49 40 31 22 13 4 -5 -14 base automated 14 nan science, power, building 2 power tag nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 65
Nuclear Power 30 72 65 58 51 44 37 30 23 16 9 2 -5 -12 base automated 10 2 CREDIT power, building nan nan 3 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 137
Lunar Beam 30 75 68 60 52 45 38 30 22 15 8 0 -8 -15 base automated 13 2 CREDIT earth, power nan nan 2 HEAT, 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 111
Kelp Farming 30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 35 26 16 base automated 17 nan plant 6 ocean 1 2 CREDIT, 3 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 101
Tundra Farming 29 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33 31 28 25 base automated 16 nan plant -6°C 2 1 PLANT, 2 CREDIT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 196
Water Splitting Plant 29 N/A N/A N/A 62 55 48 40 33 26 18 11 3 -4 base active 12 nan building 2 ocean nan nan nan 3 energy 1 oxygen nan 2 204
Mangrove 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 28 29 base automated 12 nan plant +4°C 1 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 114
Immigration Shuttles 27 41 39 37 35 33 30 28 26 23 20 18 15 13 base automated 31 nan earth, space nan 1 per 3 city on board 5 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 85
Asteroid Mining 26 48 45 41 38 34 30 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 base automated 30 nan jovian, space nan 2 2 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 17
Mohole Area 26 68 61 54 47 40 33 26 19 12 5 -2 -9 -16 base automated 20 nan building nan nan 4 HEAT, special tile on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 129
Advanced Ecosystems 26 N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 17 20 23 26 29 33 36 39 base automated 11 nan plant, microbe, animal 1 plant tag, 1 microbe tag, and 1 animal tag 3 nan nan nan nan nan 2 6
Medical Lab 26 11 19 25 29 33 35 36 35 33 30 26 20 13 corporate automated 13 nan science, building nan 1 1 CREDIT per 2 player building tag nan nan nan nan 2 120
Small Animals 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 36 26 16 5 base active 6 nan animal 6% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 2 171
Geothermal Power 25 61 55 49 43 37 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 -11 base automated 11 nan power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 70
Power Supply Consortium 25 N/A N/A 55 49 43 37 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 corporate automated 5 nan power 2 power tag nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 2 152
Artificial Photosynthesis 24 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 -6 -9 base automated 12 nan science nan nan 1 PLANT or 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 15
Big Asteroid 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 base event 27 nan space, event nan nan 2 temp, 4 titanium nan nan nan 4 plant 2 20
Eos Chasma National Park 24 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 24 24 24 24 base automated 16 nan plant, building -12°C 1 1 animal on other card, 3 plant, 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 56
Phobos Space Haven 23 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 base automated 25 nan space, city nan 3 1 TITANIUM, 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 146
Nitrite Reducing Bacteria 23 50 35 36 37 37 21 22 22 22 5 6 6 6 base active 11 nan microbe nan nan 3 microbe on card nan none/remove 3 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 TR nan 2 132
Livestock 23 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 44 31 17 3 base active 13 1 PLANT animal 9% oxygen 1 per 1 animal on card 2 CREDIT nan nan 1 animal on card nan 2 109
Heat Trappers 22 69 61 53 46 38 30 23 15 8 0 -8 -15 -23 base automated 6 nan power, building nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 2 HEAT 2 78
Energy Tapping 22 66 59 51 44 37 30 23 16 9 2 -6 -13 -20 corporate automated 3 nan power nan -1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 ENERGY 2 55
Open City 22 N/A N/A N/A 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 base automated 23 1 ENERGY city, building 12% oxygen 1 4 CREDIT, 2 plant, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 140
Lightning Harvest 22 N/A N/A N/A 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 16 13 10 base automated 8 nan power 3 science tag 1 1 ENERGY, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 108
Trees 22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 30 23 15 base automated 13 nan plant -4°C 1 3 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 194
Archaebacteria 22 31 28 26 23 20 17 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 6 nan microbe max -18°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 12
Gene Repair 22 N/A N/A N/A 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 corporate automated 12 nan science 3 science tag 2 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 69
Adaptation Technology 22 39 36 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 11 8 5 base active 12 nan science nan 1 nan global requirements +/- 2 nan nan nan 2 3
Capital 22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 19 23 27 30 base automated 26 2 ENERGY city, building 4 ocean 1 per 1 adjacent ocean 5 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 32
Peroxide Power 22 52 47 42 37 32 27 22 17 12 7 2 -3 -8 base automated 7 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 144
Fish 20 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29 11 base active 9 nan animal +2°C 1 per 1 animal on card nan nan nan 1 animal on card 1 PLANT 2 60
Energy Saving 20 14 18 21 23 28 31 32 36 33 26 16 2 -15 base automated 15 nan power nan nan 1 ENERGY per 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 54
Comet 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 base event 21 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 1 ocean nan nan nan 3 plant 2 38
Research Outpost 20 28 26 26 25 25 24 23 21 19 17 15 13 10 base active 18 nan science, city, building nan nan 1 city next to no other tile cards cost 1 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 162
Black Polar Dust 20 40 37 34 30 27 24 20 17 14 11 8 4 1 base automated 15 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 3 HEAT, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 23
Industrial Center 19 79 62 47 34 23 14 7 2 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 corporate active 4 nan building nan nan special tile adjacent to any city nan 7 credit 1 STEEL nan 2 91
Deep Well Heating 19 37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 base automated 13 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 temp nan nan nan nan 2 44
Restricted Area 19 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 -1 -5 corporate active 11 nan science nan nan special tile nan 2 credit 1 draw nan 2 163
Terraforming Ganymede 19 -18 -11 -5 1 7 13 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 corporate automated 33 nan jovian, space nan 2 1 TR per 1 player jovian tag nan nan nan nan 2 189
Great Escarpment Consortium 18 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 -2 -6 corporate automated 6 nan nan 1 STEEL nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan 1 STEEL 2 75
Release of Inert Gases 18 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 base event 14 nan event nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 160
Protected Habitat 18 36 35 33 30 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 0 -3 corporate active 5 nan nan nan nan nan opponents may not remove player plant, animal, or microbe nan nan nan 2 154
Imported Hydrogen 18 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 27 base event 16 nan earth, space, event nan nan 3 plant or 3 microbe on other card or 2 animal on other card, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 88
Breathing Filters 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 16 18 20 22 base automated 11 nan science 7% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 2 24
Herbivores 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 22 20 15 8 base active 12 nan animal 8% oxygen 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when placing a greenery tile, 1 animal on card nan nan 1 PLANT 2 80
Industrial Microbes 18 48 43 38 33 28 23 18 13 8 3 -2 -7 -12 base automated 12 nan microbe, building nan nan 1 ENERGY, 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 92
Regolith Eaters 18 48 49 34 35 35 19 20 20 3 3 4 -13 -13 base active 13 nan science, microbe nan nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 oxygen nan 2 159
Tardigrades 17 29 28 27 26 24 22 20 17 14 11 8 4 0 corporate active 4 nan microbe nan 1 per 4 microbe on card nan nan nan 1 microbe on card nan 2 186
Solar Power 17 28 26 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 10 8 6 base automated 11 nan power, building nan 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 173
Callisto Penal Mines 17 21 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 corporate automated 24 nan jovian, space nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 31
Land Claim 17 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan mark a site where only you can build nan nan nan nan 2 104
Advanced Alloys 17 27 27 26 26 25 24 22 19 16 12 8 3 -4 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan steel and titanium are each worth 1 credit extra nan nan nan 2 5
Zeppelins 16 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 19 19 19 17 14 11 base automated 13 nan nan 5% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT per 1 city on mars nan nan nan nan 2 208
Protected Valley 16 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 base automated 23 nan plant, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 greenery on ocean site nan nan nan nan 2 155
Artificial Lake 16 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 16 17 18 base automated 15 nan building -6°C 1 1 ocean on land site nan nan nan nan 2 14
Towing a Comet 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 plant, 1 oxygen, 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 192
Pets 16 3 7 12 15 19 21 22 24 22 20 18 16 12 base active 10 nan earth, animal nan 1 per 2 animal on card 1 animal on card when a city is built, 1 animal on card, animals cannot be removed from card nan nan nan 2 145
Virus 16 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 16 18 19 21 22 24 corporate event 1 nan microbe, event nan nan nan nan nan nan 2 animal or 5 plant 2 202
Lava Flows 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 base event 18 nan event nan nan 2 temp, special tile on volcano site nan nan nan nan 2 106
Viral Enhancers 15 26 26 26 25 23 21 19 16 13 9 5 1 -4 corporate active 9 nan science, microbe nan nan nan when playing a plant, microbe, or animal tag, (1 plant, or 1 microbe or 1 animal on card) nan nan nan 2 201
Asteroid 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 base event 14 nan space, event nan nan 1 temp, 2 titanium nan nan nan 3 plant 2 16
Ganymede Colony 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 14 18 22 25 29 32 36 base automated 20 nan jovian, space, city nan 1 per 1 player jovian tag 1 city on reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 68
Power Plant 14 32 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 base automated 4 nan power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 151
Great Dam 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 15 10 5 base automated 12 nan power, building 4 ocean 1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 74
Mining Area 14 29 27 24 22 19 17 14 12 9 7 4 2 -1 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan special tile on site with steel/titanium bonus and adjacent to player tile, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 2 125
Windmills 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 16 15 13 11 base automated 6 nan power, building 7% oxygen 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 206
Commercial District 14 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 corporate automated 16 1 ENERGY building nan 1 per 1 adjacent city 4 CREDIT, special tile nan nan nan nan 2 39
GHG Factories 13 37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 -3 -7 -11 base automated 11 1 ENERGY building nan nan 4 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 66
Ice Asteroid 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 base event 23 nan space, event nan nan 2 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 82
Ice Cap Melting 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 13 base event 5 nan event +2°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 83
Solar Wind Power 13 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 -2 -5 base automated 11 nan science, space, power nan nan 1 ENERGY, 2 titanium nan nan nan nan 2 174
Noctis Farming 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 13 13 13 13 13 base automated 10 nan plant, building -20°C 1 1 CREDIT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 136
Symbiotic Fungus 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 14 8 2 base active 4 nan microbe -14°C nan nan nan nan 1 microbe on other card nan 2 185
Mining Expedition 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 base event 12 nan event nan nan 1 oxygen, 2 steel nan nan nan 2 plant 2 126
Olympus Conference 13 18 17 17 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 corporate active 10 nan science, earth, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, either add 1 resource to card or remove 1 resource to draw 1 nan nan nan 2 139
Strip Mine 13 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 base automated 25 2 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 TITANIUM, 2 oxygen nan nan nan nan 2 183
Vesta Shipyard 13 24 22 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 6 4 2 corporate automated 15 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 200
Bushes 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 19 13 7 2 base automated 10 nan plant -10°C nan 2 PLANT, 2 plant nan nan nan nan 2 27
Wave Power 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 16 14 13 11 9 base automated 8 nan power 3 ocean 1 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 205
Import of Advanced GHG 12 33 30 26 22 19 16 12 8 5 2 -2 -6 -9 base event 9 nan earth, space, event nan nan 2 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 86
Rover Construction 12 -14 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 base active 8 nan building nan 1 nan when a city is built, 2 credit nan nan nan 2 165
Search for Life 11 6 9 12 13 14 14 14 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base active 3 nan science max 6% oxygen 3 if at least 1 resource on card nan nan 1 credit reveal 1, if it has microbe tag, 1 resource on card nan 2 168
Titanium Mine 11 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 -7 corporate automated 7 nan building nan nan 1 TITANIUM nan nan nan nan 2 190
Optimal Aerobraking 11 28 25 23 20 17 15 12 9 6 4 1 -2 -4 base active 7 nan space nan nan nan 3 credit, 3 heat after paying for a space event nan nan nan 2 141
Satellites 11 6 10 14 16 18 19 19 17 15 12 8 3 -3 corporate automated 10 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player space tag nan nan nan nan 2 167
Electro Catapult 11 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A corporate active 17 1 ENERGY building max 8% oxygen 1 nan nan 1 plant or 1 steel 7 credit nan 2 53
Space Station 11 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 corporate active 10 nan space nan 1 nan cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 178
Adapted Lichen 11 28 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 0 -3 -6 base automated 9 nan plant nan nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 4
Rad-Suits 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 corporate automated 6 nan nan any 2 city 1 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 158
Research 11 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 corporate automated 11 nan 2 science nan 1 2 draw nan nan nan nan 2 161
Mars University 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 corporate active 8 nan science, building nan 1 nan when playing a science tag, may discard a card for 1 draw nan nan nan 2 115
Acquired Company 11 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 -1 -4 -7 corporate automated 10 nan earth nan nan 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 2
Fueled Generators 10 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 base automated 1 1 CREDIT power, building nan nan 1 ENERGY nan nan nan nan 2 64
Natural Preserve 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 9 nan science, building max 4% oxygen 1 1 CREDIT, special tile next to no other tile nan nan nan nan 2 131
Algae 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 16 10 4 -1 base automated 10 nan plant 5 ocean nan 1 plant, 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 8
Cloud Seeding 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 26 20 13 7 0 -6 base automated 11 1 CREDIT nan 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan 1 HEAT 2 36
Domed Crater 10 3 5 7 10 12 14 16 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 24 1 ENERGY city, building max 7% oxygen 1 3 plant, 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 48
Development Center 10 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 -2 -5 -8 corporate active 11 nan science, building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 draw nan 2 47
Permafrost Extraction 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 10 10 10 10 base event 8 nan event -8°C nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 143
Convoy From Europa 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 base event 15 nan space, event nan nan 1 ocean, 1 draw nan nan nan nan 2 40
Shuttles 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 9 9 9 10 10 base active 10 1 ENERGY space 5% oxygen 1 2 CREDIT cards with a space tag cost 2 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 170
Decomposers 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 15 13 11 8 4 0 base active 5 nan microbe 3% oxygen 1 per 3 microbe on card nan when playing an animal, plant, or microbe tag, 1 microbe to card nan nan nan 2 43
Noctis City 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 base automated 18 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city on the reserved site nan nan nan nan 2 135
Miranda Resort 9 -1 3 6 9 11 12 13 14 14 13 12 10 8 corporate automated 12 nan jovian, space nan 1 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 2 128
Mining Rights 9 24 22 19 17 14 12 9 7 4 2 -1 -3 -6 base automated 9 nan building nan nan special tile on a site with steel/titanium bonus, 1 STEEL/TITANIUM (same as bonus on tile) nan nan nan nan 2 127
Toll Station 9 4 8 12 14 16 17 17 15 13 10 6 1 -5 corporate automated 12 nan space nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 opponent space tag nan nan nan nan 2 191
Business Contacts 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan nan 4 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 2 28
Sabotage 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan nan nan nan nan 3 titanium or 4 steel or 7 credit 2 166
Plantation 8 N/A 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 base automated 15 nan plant 2 science tag nan 1 greenery nan nan nan nan 2 148
Worms 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 14 11 8 3 -2 base automated 8 nan microbe 4% oxygen nan 1 PLANT per 2 player microbe tag nan nan nan nan 2 207
Special Design 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 base event 4 nan science, event nan nan global requirements +/- 2 for next card played nan nan nan nan 2 179
Invention Contest 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 corporate event 2 nan science, event nan nan 3 draw, then discard 2 of them nan nan nan nan 2 96
Mine 8 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 corporate automated 4 nan building nan nan 1 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 123
Sponsors 8 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 corporate automated 6 nan earth nan nan 2 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 180
Media Group 8 22 20 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 0 -2 -4 corporate active 6 nan earth nan nan nan 3 credit after playing an event card nan nan nan 2 119
Imported GHG 8 19 18 16 14 12 10 9 7 5 4 2 0 -2 base event 7 nan earth, space, event nan nan 1 HEAT, 3 heat nan nan nan nan 2 87
CEO’s Favorite Project 8 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan Add 1 resource to a card with at least 1 resource on it nan nan nan nan 2 30
Subterranean Reservoir 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 base event 11 nan event nan nan 1 ocean nan nan nan nan 2 184
Tropical Resort 7 -10 -7 -4 -1 2 5 8 10 13 15 18 21 23 corporate automated 13 2 HEAT building nan 2 3 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 195
Micro-Mills 7 18 16 14 13 11 9 8 6 4 2 0 -1 -3 base automated 3 nan nan nan nan 1 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 122
Earth Office 7 16 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 0 corporate active 1 nan earth nan nan nan cards with an earth tag cost 3 credit fewer nan nan nan 2 51
Carbonate Processing 7 21 19 16 14 12 10 8 5 3 1 -2 -4 -6 base automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 3 HEAT nan nan nan nan 2 33
Hired Raiders 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 corporate event 1 nan event nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit nan nan nan 2 steel or 3 credit 2 81
Technology Demonstration 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 corporate event 5 nan science, space, event nan nan 2 draw nan nan nan nan 2 187
LaGrange Observatory 7 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 corporate automated 9 nan science, space nan 1 1 draw nan nan nan nan 2 102
Colonizer Training Camp 6 -2 1 3 6 8 10 13 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 8 nan jovian, building max 5% oxygen 2 nan nan nan nan nan 2 37
Ecological Zone 6 2 6 9 10 11 12 11 10 8 6 3 -1 -5 base active 12 nan animal, plant player’s 1 greenery tile 1 per 2 animal on card special tile adjacent to any greenery when playing an animal or plant tag, 1 animal to card nan nan nan 2 52
Local Heat Trapping 6 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 base event 1 5 heat event nan nan 4 plant or 2 animal on other card nan nan nan nan 2 110
Food Factory 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 base automated 12 1 PLANT building nan 1 4 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 62
Nitrophilic Moss 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 15 9 4 -2 -8 base automated 8 2 plant plant 3 ocean nan 2 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 134
Rad-Chem Factory 6 -14 -10 -7 -3 0 3 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 base automated 8 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 157
Grass 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 9 6 3 0 base automated 11 nan plant -16°C nan 1 PLANT, 3 plant nan nan nan nan 2 73
Mineral Deposit 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 corporate event 5 nan event nan nan 5 steel nan nan nan nan 2 124
Heather 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 8 6 3 0 base automated 6 nan plant -14°C nan 1 PLANT, 1 plant nan nan nan nan 2 79
Bribed Committee 5 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 corporate event 7 nan earth, event nan -2 2 TR nan nan nan nan 2 25
Robotic Workforce 5 18 16 14 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -4 -6 -8 corporate automated 9 nan science nan nan copy the immediate benefit of player card with building tag nan nan nan nan 2 164
Lichen 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 13 10 7 4 2 -1 -4 base automated 7 nan plant -24°C nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 107
Inventor’s Guild 5 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 corporate active 9 nan science nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 2 97
Flooding 4 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 -1 -2 base event 7 nan event nan -1 1 ocean nan nan nan 4 credit from owner of a tile adjacent to placed ocean 2 61
Trans-Neptune Probe 4 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 corporate automated 6 nan science, space nan 1 nan nan nan nan nan 2 193
Urbanized Area 4 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 base automated 10 1 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 CREDIT, 1 city adjacent to at least 2 cities nan nan nan nan 2 199
Dust Seals 4 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 2 nan nan max 3 ocean 1 nan nan nan nan nan 2 49
Media Archives 4 -4 -3 -2 0 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 credit per 1 event played by all players nan nan nan nan 2 118
GHG Producing Bacteria 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 6 6 6 -8 -8 base active 8 nan science, microbe 4% oxygen nan nan nan none/remove 2 microbes from card 1 microbe on card/1 temp nan 2 67
Greenhouses 3 -4 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 4 6 7 9 11 14 base automated 6 nan plant, building nan nan 1 plant per 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 76
Business Network 3 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 corporate active 4 1 CREDIT earth nan nan nan nan nan 1 draw, then buy or discard nan 2 29
Soil Factory 3 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 base automated 9 1 ENERGY building nan 1 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 172
Cartel 3 0 2 4 6 7 7 7 6 5 4 1 -1 -4 corporate automated 8 nan earth nan nan 1 CREDIT per 1 player earth tag nan nan nan nan 2 35
Moss 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 8 5 2 -1 -4 base automated 4 1 plant plant 3 ocean nan 1 PLANT nan nan nan nan 2 130
Cupola City 3 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A base automated 16 1 ENERGY city, building max 9% oxygen nan 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 42
Biomass Combustors 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 12 2 -8 -18 base automated 4 nan power, building 6% oxygen -1 2 ENERGY nan nan nan 1 PLANT 2 21
Caretaker Contract 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 0 corporate active 3 nan nan 0°C nan nan nan 8 heat 1 TR nan 2 34
Fuel Factory 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 1 TITANIUM, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 63
Nuclear Zone 0 14 11 9 7 4 2 0 -2 -4 -7 -9 -11 -13 base automated 10 nan earth nan -2 2 temp, special tile nan nan nan nan 2 138
Standard Technology 0 3 3 1 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -4 corporate active 6 nan science nan nan nan 3 credit after paying for a standard project nan nan nan 2 181
Building Industries 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 corporate automated 6 1 ENERGY building nan nan 2 STEEL nan nan nan nan 2 26
Investment Loan 0 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 corporate event 3 1 CREDIT earth, event nan nan 10 credit nan nan nan nan 2 98
Martian Rails -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -4 -6 -9 base active 13 nan building nan nan nan nan 1 energy 1 credit per 1 city on mars nan 2 116
Indentured Workers -2 5 4 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9 corporate event 0 nan event nan -1 the next card played by player costs 8 credit fewer nan nan nan nan 2 90
Hackers -3 10 8 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -7 -9 -12 -14 -16 corporate automated 3 1 ENERGY nan nan -1 2 CREDIT nan nan nan 2 CREDIT 2 77
Magnetic Field Generator -3 -44 -37 -30 -23 -16 -9 -3 4 10 16 23 29 36 base automated 20 4 ENERGY building nan nan 2 PLANT, 3 TR nan nan nan nan 2 113
Magnetic Field Dome -4 -24 -21 -18 -14 -11 -8 -5 -1 2 5 8 11 15 base automated 5 2 ENERGY building nan nan 1 PLANT, 1 TR nan nan nan nan 2 112
Immigrant City -5 -19 -17 -14 -11 -10 -8 -6 -5 -3 -1 2 6 11 base active 13 1 ENERGY, 2 CREDIT city, building nan nan 1 city when a city is built, 1 CREDIT nan nan nan 2 84
Corporate Stronghold -10 -2 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 corporate automated 11 1 ENERGY city, building nan -2 3 CREDIT, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 41
Underground City -12 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 base automated 18 2 ENERGY city, building nan nan 2 STEEL, 1 city nan nan nan nan 2 197
Insulation -16 -17 -21 -23 -25 -26 -25 -24 -21 -17 -12 -7 0 9 base automated 2 x HEAT nan nan nan x CREDIT nan nan nan nan 2 94
Power Infrastructure -46 -88 -81 -74 -67 -60 -53 -46 -39 -32 -25 -18 -11 -4 corporate active 4 nan power, building nan nan nan nan x energy x credit nan 2 150

Average Values Histogram



The goal of this analysis was to take an extremely variable, context-heavy game with 208 unique cards and reduce each card to a single value through the calculation of hard variables and the averaging out of circumstantial ones. To determine the accuracy of the assessment, data from games in which every action was recorded was used to compare the total project values of all cards played by each player with their final scores.

Unfortunately the dataset used for assessment is exceptionally limited, comprising only five games, each with the same player count. It is impossible to glean much about the accuracy from this small of a sample size, yet the scant results are promising. Four out of the five games show correlation between the total project values of the players and their final scores. Within these four games, two of them show a close relationship between the ratios of the total project values and final scores.
